Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I remember!

It seems like that I haven't done any spinning in ages. The guild meet on Saturday has really set me off though. I dug out some jacobs, washed to within an inch of its life but needing carding and I really got to it. Funny how carding a fibre really makes me feel as though I am spinning rather than working from roving which is what I normally do. Anyway, two hours later I have probably done about 100gms of fibre and filled a bobbin about two thirds full of fine spun yarn that I think i will navajo ply and then work into one of the usual suspects. Either a scarf or a hat.

Zoe is around for lunch tomorrow and a crafting day, might give dry-felting a go. But for now you will have to put up with Jacobs until I can get a pic of the fair Zoe and her new hat that I made for her.


Nicole said...

I've only ever spun from pre-carded fiber (roving, top, sliver, whatever it is) and so the act of carding seems like such a different animal to me. It looks complex or time-consuming, and I'm not sure that I'll end up tackling it. But I think it's neat that you do!

Sian said...

Carding is a knack that takes practise. But it is not too difficult to pick up. It is impossible to learn from books though, you really have to be shown how to do it.