Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday Five

1. What's your personal hell?
Crowds, that crush of bodies impersonally shoving their way past each other - Oxford Street in December being an excellent example.

2. Do you prefer brightly lit rooms or dim spaces?
I don't mind as long as the light is warm and gentle. Cold light is miserable and flourescent strip lighting would also be in my personal hell along with Max Bygraves on the piped music channel.

3. What's the weather like today?
Cool, grey and cloud filled. A pleasant autumn day

4. Is it easy to be you?
Well, life has its freaky moments, but I am loved and that is all I need.

5. Friday fill-in:
My heaven is ... starlit, gentle, soft and loving. Chocolate covered almonds and a good merlot is in there too.

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