Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Five

1. What makes you feel exposed?
When one's vest rucks up out of one's waistband and leaves two inches of skin for the wind to chill - nasty...very bad for the kidneys, or so my mother has always said.

2. What do you have to force yourself to do?
clean the bins...ewww!

3. Where do you like to spend your time outdoors?
castles, the park, up the mountain.

4. What surprises you?
People.People are weird and are full of surprises.
I will never get used to being jumped out at either. Rose has discovered this lately, I jump sky high every time and she loves it. It is getting annoying but regretably still surprising

5. Friday fill-in:
Late at night I'm ...still flippin' awake when I know I should be asleep! Arrrrgh!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That is a way cool header bar!

And I agree with #5. Lately I've been having trouble sleeping, too. Though it could be because my arm is still sore from my tetanus shot.