Monday, October 15, 2007


Don't you just love those three am thoughts that come and leer at you as you are trying, once more to get to sleep. I loathe insomnia. It does no good. I cannot do anything constructive as I am too damn tired to see to spin and everyone else is asleep, so no housework either as I have folded all the laundry and there is nothing else I can do except think dreadful thoughts.
Like what ifs and oh my gods, the times when I have been cruel or stupid or crashingly drunk and embarrassing...and it has been years since I have been crashingly drunk...though probably only days since I was last embarrasing.

So the upshot of it all is there anyone out there who knows a sure fire cure for insomnia that does not involve lavender or a bullet in my skull? I would love to hear about it 'cos frankly I think I am losing my mind.

Remember dear ones that it is three am and that is a dark time, a time where the earth sinks and everything looks worse than it is. In a few hours the sun will rise and my monday will start officially with Rose yelling that she cannot find her school shoes and V wondering where the car keys are and yet again I repeat with feeling...if you put them in the correct place each time then you would know what you had done with them/it.

Eden has woken now, just for a minute or two, just to check that I am still here, she will clamber all over me, demand a drink and then float off once more - the way that only an infant can and lose herself in sleep. I am so envious.

Nos da cariad, hope you sleep long and well with pleasant dreams and refreshed awakenings.


Sa said...

Staphysagria, is what the homeopathy guides say hun, you can order it online. ABC HOMEOPATHY

Add it to your toolbar fav's I use it all the time

Hope you get some sleep soon

Lorraine said...

Sian- Oh, that's the worst. Probably a case of working out what is actually bothering you. My mind races like that- you have to try and stay quiet- maybe write down your throughts and meditate on them later.
A warm bath and a good book sends me off. With small children, it's all worry. Thankfully, most things never happen.

Patois42 said...

I'm so sorry, but I have no remedies to offer you, only sympathy. Tea and sympathy? Is that, perhaps, a remedy?

Nicole said...

There are two things that I do, one a bit before bed and the other at any time when I can't sleep.

Before bed I have a cup of tea (decaf) with milk. Sweetened for me, but that's preference. I can't stomach the warm milk by itself, but something about it is very soothing and relaxing.

The other thing that helps me is to put lotion on my feet and lower legs. I've been told that this has to do with pressure points, which may be true. It also seems to me that getting the blood flow stimulated in my feet helps my head to relax. But that might just be my strange perceptions of things. Whatever - it works.
Best of luck getting sleep!

Sian said...

Thankyou friends. Tonight it will be lotion on massaged feet, book, tea/warm milk and chamomilla which is as close as I have got in my homeopathy stash.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

How'd it go?