Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I left yesterday's felting workshop a little depressed really. Apparently I've been doing it right up to a point but then have been omitting a vital point - the hardening off- and as a result, almost everything I have made will fall apart very shortly. How embarrassing. So today I planned on redoing bro-in-laws Christmas scarf altogether as it was too small anyway and after hardening off it would shrink further so I suppose that I might eventually be able to make a purse out of it.
Anyway, decided on the fibre and design, stripy black and white in Jacob top, got it all laid out on the table and ready to go when that bloody vertigo that has been chasing me for the past few days finally saw its chance and bit me on the backside.
I feel wretched, it's like being badly drunk and I've bypassed the giggles, the flirts, the dancing and singing and gone straight to the wobbly and sick (a place I might add that I haven't visited since my student days) and now Lily has clambered up on my lap and she is distressingly posset scented and the last thing I feel like doing now is washing, changing and cleaning up even only a faintly yukky infant.

Marvellous my darling V is back from work with an armful of shopping and permission for me to leave it all and go and lie down.
Think I'll crawl off right now

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