Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Pots vs Marauding Sheep

I'm always the same. Something works and I go nuts with it. I've done a few window boxes and tubs of primroses and now I can't stop. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't know that as soon as word gets round the neighbouring sheep they will all be up here sampling the new pretty delicacies the crazy bird in number five (me) always puts out for them at this time of year.

I've seen the sheep climbing up on the coal to get up to my windowsill (and my beautiful potted pansies) before now. They haven't managed the hanging baskets yet, ordinary neglect sees them off by July usually, but other sheep fatailities include lillies, geraniums, more pansies than I can count, my entire vegetable patch - they broke down the back fence to get to that and when I was eventually capable of rational thought, I seriously considered animal cruelty. But I never learn. The pain of losing plants is always outweighed by the beauty of the brief time that I have with them. So I suppose a few primroses won't make a big deal when they too are consumed.

I will be retuning the compliment at Easter anyway with mint sauce on top.

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