Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Retail Therapy?

I wonder sometimes if my addiction to fibre and spinning it is just a front for the enjoyment of spending money, just a thought.
I have just put an order in to Winghams and normally this is an event, something to be pondered over, making wish lists, discarding because the amount I'm ordering is laughably expensive. Today I knew exactly what I wanted, I had a definate project in mind and I bought only the fibre I needed for that, no little extras tucked on at the end, no angelina fibre, which is my guilty pleasure (so glittery and tasteless) and there was very little pleasure in the shopping experience as it were. Is this what responsible consumerism feels like? Or is it just the way I am feeling today? Who knows.
I think I am going to do a little spinning now, just for fun. That shetland is turning into a chore, I still have about 150gms left and I think that translates into about three or four dedicated spinning evenings ( about 6 or 7 hours) and right now I fancy something rather more frivoulous than plain white. I have some gaudy parrot synthetic in my stash which I need to ply with the turquoise that I have just now ordered, so I could get ahead on the project and start the plying thread now. And it really is a lovely day so probably the first outside spin of the year while Lily and Eden toddle round me after I get them from nursery.

parrot acrylic

So that means I really must crack on with the work if I am going to spin in daylight rather than evening time.
So long lovlies, have a sweet day.

ps. Iwasn't feeling so good when I sat down to write this but seem to have talked myself round, that or the homeopathy tabs have kicked in. Hurrah for pulsatilla!

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