Friday, March 09, 2007

Hi Again

Wow, a whole month away. Been so busy that I haven't had time to write about how busy I have been. Haven't read any of my fave blogs either so it was nice to find out what others have been doing the last month. all these people the world over having their little lives domestic crises and triumphs while the world just keeps turning. Blogging puts it in perspective well sort of - the micro and macro alongside each other. Like a snowflake in a drift.

I've been to Ashburnham for a week, great fun - see COTM blog if interested
Papered my bedroom which didn't turn out so badly considering I did not have a clue about what I was doing.
Finished the Cordell adaptation and by Golly it's good, even if I do say so myself (and it took ages).
Sorted out the box room which was a concentration of mess in proportion to how small it was but now it is quite pretty if one can ignore the ripped wall paper, evidence of Eden and Lily's attempts at interior design.
Rose has tonsillitis and nothing is shifting it but fortunately she is not passing it on and today we are all going to Mum's to celebrate my birthday.

Haven't done any more felting, only a little spinning and that was the shetland that I have been working on for the last two months. Lace weight shetland takes a bit of spinning doesn't it? Crocheted a scarf for V's birthday, purple merino chunky, hand spun hand made and I don't think he's worn it yet! I wouldn't mind but he asked me to make one for him. Nuts.

Off now this instant to spruce up for the birthday lunch and with one sick(ish) kid and two toddlers with the attention span of rabbits this is more challenging than this caffine starved mum can reasonably be asked to cope with.
I reckon V can be in charge of bath time I want another cup o' tea.

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