Thursday, March 27, 2008


I went and got the stuff for the quilt...

To be honest I feel a bit daft, like I've set myself up for a fall. I mean, I know nothing about this and there is no class or anything around for me to run to. Just me and the ton of books I've borrowed from the library. Still I'll give it a go eh? You never know, it just might work.

Aside from that there is little news to give. Easter holidays are progressing along the usual lines - baking, painting, raiding the dressing up box and huge amounts of chocolate. (I am talking about the children now, not me!)
We went to the Gnoll park this morning and ran around in the bamboo. Making dens is the best. Too busy to take pictures, sorry. But it is a brilliant day. High fluffy clouds and bright blue sky. Time to mow the lawn I think, get the kids outside for the afternoon and then they will be too wrecked to hurtle around V when he gets back from work and I pop out to mine.

So must get on...I want to cut the square out and get the embroidery design down so I can make a start on it this evening in work. Work, hah! Can't really call it work can I?

Hope you are having a bright sunshiny day.


Pippa said...

Quilting! A new adventure! Maybe you could ask CP for help? She seemed to know what she was doing with her quilting on our last craft day. We should have another one of those! Thank you for your comments about my snood - you're an excellent teacher x

Sa said...

I have every faith in you that you can do it! How do you fancy a nice blue yarn?

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Ohhh.....I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!

Anonymous said...

better you than me. do it 110%

Technodoll said...

Is it just me, or are there never enough hours in a day!

And other days, time is molasses... funny, that.

You have LAWN to mow?!


Greg C said...

How difficult can it be? Get started and keep us posted. I didn't know you had bamboo over there. How silly of me to think otherwise. We are having nice weather today as well. And thanks for the pep talk, I am feeling better now.

Sian said...

Pippa:I will if I get stuck, which might be quite soon...It would be lovely to have another crafty day, shame you are so far away. I miss you something awful.

Sa: Thank you my dear. Blue yarn? Lovely if it is kingfisher, but not pastels, they make look like death warmed up. That said, Rose looks stunning in blue. What ever you get me will be gratefully recieved :) x

Jessica: Updates soon! :)

Pod: Absolutely :)

TD: Yes, I know what you mean. I didn't get to mow the lawn today, time just slipped past me. As for said lawn, well. I neglect that rather

Greg: I am glad, don't like my friends being sad...

Anonymous said...

sian we do have a fun time?sara is eating herself silly. you are upto things that are not just finished some art work two this week.but i have to do my own cleaning for the next few weeks my cleaner is in hospital please everyone pray she get's healed.sian i know there is a book in you and jessica and sara lady's .just take one hour a day and start.and if your books sell remember i told you. a little bit dosh should come my way yes?????

Sa said...

I got a mixed yarn it is fabbie dozy