All done and I'm pretty happy with it actually. That doesn't happen very often, normally I am hard to please, but I think this little bug's ridiculousness makes me smile.

It is weird not having V here. I found it hard to sleep last night. Just lay there listening to the wind whistling through the wires, sleeping children scattered around me like dead bumblebees and I felt almost vulnerable without my man in the house. Maybe I need a big dog. I can imagine V's face if he was greeted by a dobermann on his return. Maybe not.
The girls are making hells own mess upstairs I just know it. They are already glittered out from card making this morning. Baking this afternoon and then I shall just bide my time until they zonk out tonight and I shall get to watch Beowulf I think or maybe 300 if it is in the video store. I like a chick flick as much as the next girl but Leonidas makes a chick flick all on his own. Which reminds me I need more chocolate :) Happy day.
Hope you are having a happy day too.
Update: 4:30 pm
It is always the same, whenever V bogs off somewhere I get just too bored and start surfing the yarn stores. Okay I surf yarn stores daily but when he is away I order stuff because he is not sitting with me making me feel guilty that I am spending his hard earned cash on stuff that I have an attic full of anyway. Not that he ever says anything but you know how it is when you are a yarn addict (hiding the yarn/fibre stash in black bags in the bottom of the wardrobe - I can't be the only person to do that surely?).
That said, and indeed I said it to myself just before I clicked on the "place order" button - I have a job of my own now, why not blow some of my money on yarn?... and a pom-pom kit for Rose and a 4 mm bamboo crochet needle (I don't have one remember and I want to make another baby blanket for Faith who is about to sprog any day now). Oh gosh yes, I bought some Debbie Bliss cashmerino for that little project. I ask you, how can anyone resist a baby yarn in cashmere and finest wool that is both washable and tumbleable and is called Pixie? I couldn't
And talking of irresistible, how about this?

Freedom Spirit 100% wool in Fire from Dragon Yarns. Isn't it stunning? All my favourite colours. I did not buy it because of Project Spectrum, but what a beautiful expression of the element. I have a pattern all set and waiting for this, a beautiful swingy, shawl collared cardigan from the best of Interweave Knits.
Right I cannot, absolutely cannot go to amazon from here. I will go and bake some cup cakes for tomorrow. Easter means pastel butter cream icing and plenty of little chocolate eggs. Then, as I could not get Leonidas :( I went for James Macavoy in Atonement. I love the way that man acts, still haven't forgotten him in Becoming Jane, so intense. Lovely.
So... have a great evening. I'm off to the kitchen while the twins are asleep.
Oh that is just too cute!!! it's awesome......
I don't know anything about yarn but that sure is very, very pretty... I just want to touch it :-)
Atonement is a great movie, I only cried 3 times watching it on the flight back home from the UK in January :-D
So keep the chocklits near, you might need them. xx!
Jessica: Thank you :)
T doll: It should be pretty soft. I am looking forward to working with it.
Oh no a weepie, I didn't know...I just thought it was an earnest drama. Oh well, where did I put those tissues?
sian you and a weepie knowing you i bet you didn't cry when bambi's mother died. i didn't i was a big boy i was. alright i cryed don't tell the boy's. the Mr wouldn't understand. like the work and the yarn MrV goes around with his eye's closed. another ball of yarn, ar you mean more than one ball, two three not four even five ball's. i didn't see your blog i'm keeping shtumm.
Pod: No Bambi left me cold, but when the ant died in Honey I Shrunk the Kids I couldn't breathe for weeping!
And it's no good trying to keep secrets on a blog, sometimes V reads this :)
Oh, I think I am in love (with that yarn). Thank you for finding me, and thank you for leaving such lovely comments on my blog.
I get paid Thursday, so I can see a skein or three of that gorgeous redness coming my way. :)
The yarn at Walmart is insane shall I get you some?
Missing you much . Wish you had been at the bluegrass night you would have ;laughed til you cried!
Kate: Nice to see you here, thanks for dropping by :)
Sara: You have no idea how much I miss you too :) and of *course* get me yarn. In fact you know that spare suitcase you took...
I am so glad you are having a good time over there
Those easter cakes were lush!! :Dxx
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