Why is it that ones husband can make what they think to be some perfectly innocuous remark and the wifebrain translates it as something completely awful?
Poor V left today with the fattest of fleas in his ear merely because he said that it might be better for me to go visit a friend rather than and I quote "Sit around on the computer all morning."
He was meaning "It'll be nice for you to go and visit"
I heard "You sit around on your fat butt all day and don't do anything around here."
I had the queen of hissy fits and threw myself with martyred venom into a whirl of housework and didn't go to Ann's so there!
I feel quite insane sometimes. But honestly MEN! You'd think after nineteen years together, seventeen of those spent under the same roof, that he would get the idea that he just needs to shutthehellup at certain times of the month. Sheesh!
Poor bewildered V. I must make some choccie brownies before I leave for work to say sorry.
On a more beautiful note. Look!

Cerise merino and peacock silk! I have no idea what to make with it but just had to spin it up in defiance of a bad foot.
Hope your day is sunny and hormonally balanced :D
Poor V left today with the fattest of fleas in his ear merely because he said that it might be better for me to go visit a friend rather than and I quote "Sit around on the computer all morning."
He was meaning "It'll be nice for you to go and visit"
I heard "You sit around on your fat butt all day and don't do anything around here."
I had the queen of hissy fits and threw myself with martyred venom into a whirl of housework and didn't go to Ann's so there!
I feel quite insane sometimes. But honestly MEN! You'd think after nineteen years together, seventeen of those spent under the same roof, that he would get the idea that he just needs to shutthehellup at certain times of the month. Sheesh!
Poor bewildered V. I must make some choccie brownies before I leave for work to say sorry.
On a more beautiful note. Look!

Cerise merino and peacock silk! I have no idea what to make with it but just had to spin it up in defiance of a bad foot.
Hope your day is sunny and hormonally balanced :D
Cody and V can start some club where they can let off steam or something. He knows when I am getting ready to turn into a little monster.....and kind of accepts that is how it's going to be.....but he still gets mad at me sometimes :)
It used to be that I wanted to break-up once a month, but we've gotten past that at least!
Jessica: *laughing* The joys of PMT! Men will never understand what it is like :)
Oh men get their PMS days too, only we're not allowed to notice... he he!
I suppose you could always knit V a beer cozy as a peace offering or something, or maybe into a cute sock monkey or one of these:
choc's away Mr V.sorry sian.men get it in the neck. buy him a shed so he can talk to himself.sara is up to her neck with work. you women work so hard men don't know the half of it.do i get choc bic's.i understand.i know get my own nobody love's me.
T. Doll: I have to say that V is in fact the most even tempered of blokes. I tried the link but I only got the blog - not the interesting Mr Jonson :( A beer cosy is a wonderful idea though!
POD: V already has a shed that he won't use 'cos it is too cold up there. I have threatened many times to go and live in it but no go so far.
And we love you lots x
The one thing I know about women is that the less you say the better. If I come home and say I had a rough day, she says. Like I didn't. Hmmm did I say that??? That's why we don't do chit chat.
I knew you would have something pithy to say Greg :)
Poor sod.
Cyril: LOL!
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