I love Easter. I think I like it more than Christmas, probably because it remains largely uncommercialised and a specifically Christian festival. Though the pagans have their ostara which is a pretty funky festival all of their own and similar in its way.
I love the brilliant hope that Easter carries, the injustice faced and overborne and amazing power that God displayed for us. And if I am completely honest, it is a pretty time too, Spring and sunshine, eggs, chicks, new life burgeoning everywhere and Nature flushed with green. My parents married on an Easter Saturday 52 years ago. My mum carried freesias and the scent of them still carries her back to that day.
These however, are my favourites:I wish you joy this day and fresh life in whatever life you have chosen
...and cup cakes, I wish you cup cakes

Woo cake's go with the flower's happy passover to you and the family
Oh, freesias, one of my favour flowers (right up there with sweet peas). Here in Australia we're just coming into Autumn, my favourite time of year.
Happy Easter to you and yours.
Pod: Thank you, you too x
Kate: I can never get my head round the fact that Australia has opposite seasons to us. I can't imagine a hot Christmas or Easter in the Autumn.
Hope your Easter is full of good things too.
Happy Easter, Sian!!! Thanks for the visit to my blog!!! And the recommendation of mushrooms to replace meat. (Personally find mushrooms revolting, though, so while I may give them a try for the hubby or kiddo, I won't eat them unless I'm starving. *grin*)
Hope y'all are having a blessed weekend!
Hello Sian, thank you for dropping by and leaving a message. I'm hopelessly addicted to wool, it's so lovely and strokeable!
Your cup cakes look divine, I should make some.....
Kim x
Kati: Ah well, it was worth a try! Thanks for dropping in :)
Kim: Cup cakes are good any time of the year, but I find something Springlike about them :)
I got cup cakes here and they are something else!
Happy Easter to you.....I didn't even think of cupcakes.....mmmmmm.....
Sa: American cooking. I love it...
Jessica: Happy Easter to you too :)
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