There can't be anything much better in this world than bringing home bags of comfort food. Ginger tea, cream cake, jammy dodgers, sweet smelling bath goodies and Country Living magazine, oh and Green and Blacks Chocolate. Happy day.
I'm off for a hot bubble bath now with a scalding cup of ginger tea and a good nose through the CL special on huts and tree houses.
Hope your evening is as delightful as mine is going to be...
Oooh, I love Green & Blacks! I didn't think anything of it when my UK friends first mentioned it, since it's hard to find here in the States. But when I did find it, I was curious enough to buy some, and wow! That's good chocolate!
That is banging!!
I would say I wish I was in the bath with you but I don't think would be entirely appropriate.
Nicole: As you know I loved my visit to the US last summer but I could not get used to the chocolate available there. Far too sugary. It has to be British sweeties for me :)
Cyril: What are you doing up at gone 3 in the morning? Get some sleep, the exhaustion is starting to show...
love you babe
right sian after sluming it. your and MrV should apply to go on the new coal house they are looking for family's who will live like they did in 1940's through the war years. would suit you and your family.would have to go without choc's, real tea, bath's with soap.etc. but you will get your wish to have chicken's in the back garden.dare you to apply. love OLD POD. PS. see the mafia lady's have split for a few week's she will miss you.
Nothing quite like some yummy comfort food. It is very frustrating indeed that your comfort food doesn't make you fat like it does the rest of us!
Pod: I doubt they would take us, we would enjoy it too much. And if there is no bitching at the camera these days, people don't watch. I dunno, this generation eh? :)
Pippa: lol! Sorry...I have lost weight again with this flu. Never mind it will bite me in my fifties and you my darling, will still be young and beautiful.
sian i was born just after those time's .it was hard for most people in wales at that time it was a lot slower and no car's about so you could play in the street.no tv's or pc's we were never bored.but for my mother she never stopped,if it wasen't washing by hand it was cooking etc. every day we would as a family sit down together at every meal.and what was put in front of us we eat.becasue it was food my mother shopped for each day. but those day's are gone.sad but we live in a world that is coming to an end.come Lord Jesus come. pray all are better.
ooo the only thing i brought back for myself from the UK was a big jar of G&B organic hot chocolate... oh yummy. times a gazillion.
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