Earth hour tonight at 8 pm. Probably the smallest thing a person can do to be a bit green, hardly even green at all, light peppermint maybe. Check it out here There is a sturdy amount of info and at this hour in the morning I am not prepared to do more than link.
Also, my thanks to UL for this...

I think I shall pass this on to my blogging buddies Dizzy, Pippa, Patois, Pilgrim, Greg, Jessica and Techno Doll. I love the fact that you drop by and your comments brighten my day. Thanks for that. xxx
I have finished the rabbit block and will post a pic later on today after I have finally managed to get some sleep. I hate I hate I hate insomnia.
I have finished the rabbit block and will post a pic later on today after I have finally managed to get some sleep. I hate I hate I hate insomnia.
I am off to bed now, to stare into the darkness and think.
Nos da fy cariad, hope you sleep well.
why be green. please give true facts.???????????????????????.
well done sian. lovely award more to come i'm sure. love to all and lily the enforcer.can't wait for the family to come home.
Pod: I believe the true facts are self evident. The climate is changing, the world is deteriorating. Just because one day there will be a new heaven and a new earth doesn't mean that we should not look after this one. Don't you agree?
Not long now my dear. Lily sends her love
Ty for my award. Love ya x
Tell cherry and lily I miss them too ooo ooo ooo. Love hugs and pressies coming their way next weekend xx
Thank you Sian for passing the award on to me. At least I hope it was me. :) I will accept it for all the Greg's in the blog world. I would like to thank my agent, my mom, my first grade teacher, blah blah blah, I do want to thank you Sian for thinking of me. Go Green.
sian i agree we should look after the world.i agree the climate is changing.but is it because of man.Has the climate changed before. 7000 years of history says yes many times.sad part is if man is to blame then it's to late to stop famine around the world.which will get worse and see many die because of man's greed.the little man can do will not in the short term stop millions from dieing. and nations will sign any bit of paper just like the Russian's who now because they have oil money,are buying carbon credits from poor countries.Canada sign's the bit of paper says we will carry on as before and it go'es on and on.this is all leading upto the new world order.time is short.these things are to happen.pray many people would come to know JESUS.we can do our bit but it takes lots of bits and nations.
Sara: x
Greg: You are welcome. I love your blog.
Pod: I think you have answered your own question:D
I'm just doing a bit. Do what you can, even if it is not much and may not amount to much. It still is the Right Thing To Do :)
Thank you Sian x x x
Awe sweet of you.....I feel the same way about you and your comments :o)
Thank you!
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