It's been a weird year and the next few weeks ain't gonna be easy either, but here's to you babe.
I love you.
Monday, December 31, 2007
For My Husband
Posted by
1:52 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year - Limerick
The clock close to midnight it stands.
Pop champagne and then strike up the band.
Two thousand and eight
is potentially great -
let's go and grab life with both hands
For other New year Spirits, check out Mad Kane's Limerick and 'Ku prompt.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Labels: limericks
Friday, December 28, 2007
Now and Then - Sunday Scribblings
Now I am filling in the expected dates in my new calendar. I love doing that. Seeing my whole year spread out in front of me full of potential. Will I start the nurse training? Will I get chickens? Will I manage to do Woolfest this year?
2007 is just about over and what a wild ride it was. Fun though if painful at times but then what is a year if you haven't lived it to the full? I hope 2008 is as adventurous and challenging. Okay Woolfest doesn't sound either but believe me, for me it will be! Adventures and challenges are relative as Sniff in the Moomintrolls will tell you.
This time last year Iwas writing this blog tucked away in my own miniscule corner of cyberspace. At that time I had yet to meet Patois, Nicole, the Sheriff or Pilgrim. And Dizzy, Iolo, Cherub and Pippa had not yet started blogging. Very glad you guys drop by btw.
For other thoughts on Then and Now check Sunday Scribblings
Posted by
8:27 PM
Labels: Sunday Scribblings
Friday Five
1. Tell us something you love:
The cashmere, silk and merino blend by Winghams that is currently in my stash. A fat white glossy cloud that I love looking at so much that I cannot bear to spin it.
2. Tell us something you know to be true:
You are braver than you think
3. Tell us about someone new in your life:
I have not met anyone new that has become important to me for sometime. (Unless you count my ebony circs.)
4. Who can you never please?
When it comes to creative things I am very rarely pleased with what I have made/written/done
5. Friday fill-in:
You know I ___.
"I live in the clouds, reality is not for me...I shall stay up here, the view is quite breathtaking"
Andre Jordan
Posted by
1:59 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Help please

I have Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket and I know that it is going to be spent at Sundara Yarn. But and here's the thing, what colour?
I think it is quite funky really.
Posted by
11:32 PM
One Deep Breath- Giving
over and over
I give myself. I get lost,
sometimes, from giving.
sunrise in their smiles
as they look at me. Mummy,
I love you so much
for more on giving check out ODB here
Is vaguely inebriated blogging allowed? I made the vodka martini's a little too strong I think. Still can't be too bad... I can still spell, punctuate and write haiku. Oooh, hark at her!
Posted by
8:28 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
A Christmas Meme
I am sitting down for the first time today. Thought I'd surf for some snazzy lace weight to go with my new ebony circs! (so chuffed with them, must be the star pressie really) and I had a quick whisk around the favourite blogs - don't expect many to post on Christmas day but some have taken a breather from turkey and tinsel to post something. Saw this on Patois blog and thought I'd swipe it in lieu of something to say really.
Hope you are all having a great time!
“When people say ‘Christmas’ you immediately think…”
holly and carols
“Favourite Christmas memory.”
Daddy coming home out of the blue. We weren't expecting him back until January that year and it was always a tough time for my mum when he was away over Christmas. But that Christmas eve he wangled some leave and arrived on the doorstep in the snow bearing all sorts of beautiful present from far away. Spices and perfume for my mother, aquamarines for my sister. I cannot remember what he brought for me mainly because I was so shocked he was there - like magic.
“Favourite Christmas song/carol.”
"I believe in Father Christmas" by Greg Lake. Favourite carol is "In the bleak midwinter" sung by Bert Jansch or "The Holly and the Ivy" sung by The Medieval Babes
“Favourite Christmas movie.”
I like a bit of Bond at Christmas. Its tradition really. We'll be watching Casino Royale when V gets back with a vodka martini maybe ( I got V a cocktail kit for one of his pressies)
“Favourite Christmas character.”
I like the ghost of Christmas present in A Christmas Carol. But Gonzo as Dickens in the Muppets Christmas Carol is pretty fine too.
“Favourite Christmas ornament/object.”
The white porcelain nativity that I bought the first Christmas after I left home. My first grown up ornament. It hasn't been out since the children were born. I try not to be attached to "stuff" but I would be broken hearted if anything happened to this. So it is kept in safty until they can be trusted not to destroy everything they set their hands on.
“Plans for this Christmas.”
V, me and the kidlings. The MIL over for dinner and relax for the rest of the day. Fun day tomorrow with sister, bro in law and mad nephews, even madder mum and dad over too. Games, walk up the mountain, mulled wine and howling carols in the kitchen doing the dishes as the level goes down on the sherry bottle. It is tremendous fun.
“Is Christmas your favourite holiday?”
Fer sure.
Posted by
4:21 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Window in Your Heart
But Christmas is a happy time, giving gifts, being with loved ones, watching nostalgic TV. There was the church ceilidh last night which was huge, huge fun. I have so much to be thankful for, really I do. I have more than enough, my family is strong and healthy, there is ample food and drink in the house, the fire is glowing and there is plenty of coal, the presents are sorted even if they have still to be wrapped. So how is it that I am feeling so desperate at the same time? It is rather annoying frankly.
Christmas Eve is my absolute favourite day in the whole year - it is all about potential, the waiting, the excitement. I love it, the "eyes full of tinsel and fire" type stuff. That quiet intense happiness that only happens on Christmas Eve.
In the words of my favourite Christmas song "I wish you a hopeful Christmas, I wish you a brave new year. All anguish pain and sadness leave your heart and may your road be clear"
I think this post will also do for the "What Christmas Means to Me" meme from Pilgrim. (Can't link 'cos he's still flying under the radar at the mo)
Have a good one friends, see you the other side of the turkey madness!
Posted by
10:52 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Talk about love at first sight - check these out! Glow in the dark knitting needles. So, so pretty.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Limerick - Love at First Sight
I was singing Ms Marcos's blues
When dear V* chose to give me his views
"Its simply not right
this love at first sight"
So he's clearly not met the right shoes
*husband, no more to be said really.
For more about Lurve see MK's blog
Update 21.29 same day
Have read Ul and Lissa's haiku since then and thought them particularly haunting. Thought I'd give it a go
Shrieking freaking pain...
Are you worth it love, really?
A thousand times, yes.
Posted by
8:46 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Haiku - A Kind of Beauty
Frost ferns on the glass
dawn's light paints the pearly sky
the day has begun
Cold silken light. A
robin lifts his solstice song.
Rose kissed clouds linger.
Winters night spits stars
lift to touch the cold white sparks
but my hearth calls me
Posted by
8:34 AM
Labels: One deep breath
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Simple Christmas Pleasures
So, hot tea, wensleydale cheese with cranberries on a few butterpuff crackers. Who I ask you can resist a snack called a butterpuff? I can't. There is fresh pineapple and double cream to follow if I can risk the heart burn at this time of night. I deserve it. My pantry is full, my drinks cabinet too. I love Christmas. I love the astonishing array of good things to eat and the treats that are stored up because you have fought like a salmon for well...salmon.
Actually it wasn't that bad in Tescos tonight. I went after work and while it was ticking over it was actually quite a happy atmosphere. People were singing along to the music, wishing utter strangers a happy christmas, everyone was good humoured about being out in the supermarket at gone ten at night. Tomorrow however it will all be changed with a miasma of aggression and stress wafting through the sprouts. I am glad I went tonight. I won't have to go again now until the New Year. And I am quite happy about that, does it show?
Warm milk and baileys now and then to bed. I am a happy bunny tonight.
Nos da cariad.
Posted by
11:58 PM
December's Crafts
Here is the stuff I have made for the girls teachers. It is a tiny village school and every single teacher there has some kind of input into my girls. At this time of year there is not really the money to spend on bought gifts for teachers, cos even if you just get them bath salts or choccies it all adds up, but raiding from the stash - well, it's just time then isn't it? I would say that this little heap took me about a week.

Pictured are: Felted scarves- Blue faced Leicester Humbug (brown). Cerise merino with trilobal glitz in parrot. Grey merino with "mardi gras" pencil roving swirls. I was particularly pleased with the way that that turned out, the flame shapes at the edges makes it a particularly flamboyant piece of felt (for a particularly flamboyant, wonderful teacher).
Also present (no pun intended) are two hairbands decorated with pencil roving, they are the spidery things on the right, a crocheted hat in hanspun merino with a mohair picot edging and a crocheted scarf, not handspun but two commercial yarns plied together.

(sorry, bit of spinnerese there)
I made other stuff too, a felted necklace, another crocheted scarf of merino with a jacob fringe and a felt glasses case but I was in a bit of a rush to get them packed so I forgot to take a pic. But that is it for Christmas crafts now. I have to get the house tidy again and wrap the family pressies. Any spinning done from here on in will be purely recreational stress busting stuff. There is some Falkland tucked away in the attic, lovely spongy stuff to spin and makes the best hat yarn in the world. But for now, hoovering awaits.
Have a great day. Ta ta!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Another Christmas Song!
Posted by
4:39 PM
...and a Christmas one!
For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you: |
Twelve punk rockers drumming Eleven christmas trees a-twinkling Ten elves a-leaping Nine ladies yodeling Eight cows a-milking Seven rumballs a-drunkening Six Santas a-hohohoing Five golden toe rings Four calling telemarketers Three French chefs bearing escargot Two stale fruit cakes And a chimp in a peach tree |
Posted by
1:33 AM
Labels: insomnia, OK Now I Know
Insomnia Again!
Your Personality Is Like Acid |
A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime. What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining. What people dislike about being around you: You're unpredictable. Your mood swings are quite intense. How addicted people get to you: They pretty much don't get addicted to you. |
Posted by
1:26 AM
Labels: insomnia, OK Now I Know
A joke, of sorts
the Christmas decorations
out and I found a present I'd
forgot to give the family last year.
Their excited faces were a picture
as they unwrapped it and opened the box...
unfortunately it was a puppy!
and as we are on the subject of fairly outrageous things to say, I thought I would pass on a small excerpt from Pastor's sermon last Sunday. It is Christmas okay? Magi and the stable and all that stuff.
Now in Wales you'd be hard pushed to find three wise men (pause of perfect length for maximum impact) ...or a virgin.
Yes, he is a real pastor, they ordained him and everything.
Posted by
12:40 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Limerick prompt - multi tasking
When my life was not in the pink,
I'd the impulse to take to hard drink.
Now something eludes me
and that something includes the
ability to talk and think
For other multitasking limericks and haiku check out Mad Kane's Humour blog
Posted by
9:05 PM
Labels: limericks
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday Scribblings - Dance
I love to watch my daughters dance. To watch them finding the beat, responding to rhythm and feel. They are sweetly expressive in their unformed grace, bobbing and dipping like little boats on a sea of sound. I am astonished at their beauty.
Then V says "They dance like you" and I see the truth of it. And I don't know what to think - I want them to dance their own dance, to find their own steps but mine is the only dancing they see, how can they not follow? Do they dance because they like to dance or do they dance for my approval? Does it matter if it is both?
They are smiling like sunrise as they dance around me. They are flying. Who cares? Stop worrying Mummy, we are happy.
For more writing on dance check out SS here
Posted by
11:17 AM
Labels: Sunday Scribblings
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Tree
Pics later I have tree finding to do and maybe lunch out.
Have a wonderful,happy, fragrant day.
Posted by
12:14 PM
Friday Five
1. What's the last movie you saw?
Stardust - for the second time, yes it is that good.
2. Are you gentle?
3. Do you sleep with your bedroom door shut?
4. What's your middle name?
Aurwen- a Welsh name, it means white gold. Given to me by my father.
5. Friday fill-in:
I could learn to like ___.
Sorry, I have never learned to like anything as far as I know. I either like something or I don't and if I don't then there is no learning otherwise I'm afraid.
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, December 13, 2007
One Deep Breath - Yummy
Mulled wine
Cinnamon, orange,
cloves and warm ruby wine fills
my home with Christmas
Posted by
1:23 PM
Labels: One deep breath
A Winter's Tale
Posted by
12:48 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The one legged man...*
Well, we are all busy this season right? But it is fun right? I think I am having fun. You would tell me if I was going nuts wouldn't you? I still have pressies to make and a skit to write for the church ceilidh and carol service on the 23rd.
Here is another question - why is so much Christmas music appallingly sad? Not sad as in pathetic, though there is plenty of that too. I mean sad as in tragic, really "open a vein" sad.
I was wandering around Tesco last night after work and on the pipe came that lovely bunch of ASBO**s, I think it was East 17. Anyway, they were singing Stay Another Day. Jeepers! I was welling up!
I love Mudd and It'll be lonely this Christmas cos of his fine Elvis impersonation and it is a good song to weep into the beer to and David Essex's Winters Tale is a classic, albeit a forgotten one. But I never realised how heartbreaking it must be at Christmas if you have lost someone and then you have to cope with what is almost an unrelenting tide of sad songs. How awful it must be. I have lost a few friends this year and none of them have been easy, but to lose love...
Right! Enough of that! Here is a pic of the chocolate snack we enjoyed whilst out hollying.

* In honour of that fabulous saying - "busier than a one legged man in an arse kicking contest"
**Anti Social Behaviour something, I think it is Order. I don't think I am out of line when I say that the young men that sang Stay Another Day looked, to a pimple, like a bunch of car thieves. (oops, somebody give me a hand up to the kind blog waggon that just passed over my head will you?)
Posted by
11:32 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Holly gathering
Off up the back mountain, quite a trek for tiny Lily, but she managed and we got a basket load of bright berries and boughs. With time for a choccie break. It was very cold up there and by the time we had dawdled our way back down the hill, it was getting quite dark, but it was so peaceful up there too. Just the wind and the sheep and the first stars seeing us home.
Posted by
11:27 PM
Poetry prompt - Annoying Advice
Thanks to Patois for the latest poetry prompt from Kane. I don't write limericks as a rule but this took the time very pleasantly. And here is mine, constructed out of annoying advice.
Just relax the midwife told me.
Stop running away from that bee.
There's no use repining,
look for silver linings.
There's plenty more fish in the sea.
Posted by
7:23 PM
Labels: limericks
Sunday, December 09, 2007
New Find
Through Pippa I have found an amazing blog. Wayfaring Wanderer Stunning photography, go and check it out.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: New Find
Friday, December 07, 2007
Christmas Shopping
Feeling much better we went to Debenhams and I promptly lost my sister. She could not have disappeared more effectively if she had been kidnapped by aliens. It took me well over half an hour to find her and we could not figure out who was more annoyed with whom, though as the younger sister I naturally took the blame because hey, I'm the youngest right? And if my eyebrows can make an ignorant old biddy take a step back, my darling sister's lifted eyebrows would have made her spontaneously combust. I know my place. I love my sister by the way, she is my absolute hero.
As a particular treat, it was off to the LYS (see, I know the lingo)* to pick up some Y obviously. But while there I succumbed to the lure of some particularly stunning ice blue frosted glass beads...and some bugle beads in mixed colours and some sequins (tacky I know, sue me) and little pink cubes and some frosted plum ovals too. Have I told you I have a serious bead habit, it is worse than wool really because they are so much easier to store ie, keep hidden from V's sight.
So, back home and hide the goodies. My husband is out to the rugby tonight, not an uncommon event in Wales, but my dear V has lived on this earth for over forty years and has never, in my knowledge, gone to a rugby match in any of them. I wonder how he will like it? He'll probably shout himself hoarse, have a whale of a time with Uncle Daisy and probably take another forty years before going again.
What shall I do tonight then? Oh I know...some beading I think.
LYS - Local Yarn Store, whough Swansea is only local-ish for me. There is no YS near me' cos I don't count the acrylic nightmares that Shaws in Neath offer us as yarn. I've got nothing against man made fibres, but make them soft for goodness sake.
Posted by
7:08 PM
Labels: Beads, retail therapy
Friday Five
1. Are you married?
2. When do your claws come out?
When scared and/or threatened...or sometimes just for the hell of it.
3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yes and dashed inconvinient it was too!
4. Who is the last person you held?
Sleepy Lily who zonked out in the car and had to be carried into the house.
5. Describe a time you've gone overboard:
As another tack (no pun intended) I have never fallen off a boat in my entire life.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Calling Pippa!
My dear girl, when you change the url of your blog, you need to tell people or else they will not be able to find you anymore! Pheonix Song is not there and so I cannot find you, let me know where you are, there's a sweetie.
Posted by
2:41 PM
Chairman's Challenge
Anyway, this year the challenge is Christmas Stocking and with marked lack of originality on the take, I have made a Christmas stocking and filled it with goodies, some of which would be of interest to a spinner! But most of which is of the every woman fondness for choccies, pretties and smellies. I enjoyed making it very much and it whiled away a miserable few hours of insomnia that I could well have done without last night.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Labels: felting
Beaded Stars

You just need about 13" of wire, I used 6mm silver plated, but I have used sturdy fuse wire in the past. 20 bugle beads, 10 beads (4mm) these are swarovski crystals and I love them 'cos they sparkle like crazy which is always a good thing, but particularly good at Christmas.
Twist a loop and wrap round, thread the beads according to pattern, bending wire as you go. A little bit of tinkering at the end and you have a star.
After making three, you will be able to make them in your sleep - they are that easy. I love stars. So beautiful.

Posted by
2:12 PM
Labels: Beads
Phew! I am Back!
Anyway I am here now and I am going to check up on you all in a little while. First though I have to upload what I have been doing lately (been quite busy really).
Posted by
1:45 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Carers Day in Port Talbot

From there straight to my new job. Yes, I am a working girl now, a kept woman no longer. I am a receptionist so I can officially tell people where to go. And then to a late gathering at Birdies to discuss arrangements for the church's Chistmas party. We are actually having a ceilidh! Such fun! And wisely or no I am in charge of the mulled wine. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: Spinning
Monday, December 03, 2007
Today's Project -school play costume

head scarf (ditto)
shawl (crocheted in about an hour - doddle)
and I believe my darling girl has pledged my help in school tomorrow - yay!
Posted by
6:58 PM
Back on Track
Still, we have got Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas on the DVD, which is great fun (grumpy git of a Santa goes on holiday) and soon I am going to get out the cheesy Christmas music that I have stockpiled over the years. There might even be some mince pies in the oven this afternoon. Holiday spirit here I come... and I am not talking single malt here.
Posted by
10:42 AM
For Dizzy
You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri |
You're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party. You may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk! |
Posted by
10:41 AM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Posted by
10:52 PM
Sunday Scribblings - Walk
I rarely use other peoples words for S S but hey, it is late and I have no words of my own that fit tonight.
Nos da cariad.
"Little Wing"
Now she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind
That's running wild
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairytales
All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind...
When I'm sad she comes to me
With a thousand smiles
She gives to me, free
It's alright, it's alright' she says
Take anything you want from me
Now she's walking through the clouds
With a circus mind
That's running wild
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairytales
All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind...
When I'm sad she comes to me
With a thousand smiles
She gives to me free
It's alright, it's alright' she says
Take anything you want from me
Fly Little Wing... Yeah, Yeah...
[Guitar solo]
Fly Little Wing...
I want her to fly
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: Sunday Scribblings
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Advent Wedding!

(one of the most gentle, giving and just generally amazing women I have ever met btw)
A loved one once described advent to me as a time of yearning. It is indeed a time where the church prepares for the return of the Bridegroom and, face it, the party of the Universe. There is something about a wedding that anticipates that huge party to be...I hope there are cocktails.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
This week I am mostly reading...
I have instead plumped for putting up my still baddie leg and reading delightful trash. This is good trash though. A bit like Turkish Delight, you know that there is no content but sugar in there and you know that really it is doing you no good, but oh it is just so very tasty. The lit snob in me was shrieking the entire time I was read this - about six hours, yes it is that lite. But then who wants Dostoyevski all the flippin' time? Not this bunny. (I've never actually read Dostoyevski. I have always wanted to, but I take his books out of the library and then discover that my eyebrows need plucking or I have to paint the bathroom etc etc)
So, here we have exotic, wild and beautiful settings; New Orleans, Paris and the Highlands of Scotland and exotic, wild and beautiful creatures; too many to mention but the cast include vampires, werewolves, Valkyries (no less) and some wraiths. As an honourable mention, a Valkyrie is a creature I could really get behind, not like the rather prissy LOTR elves...Aragorn is another matter entirely but I digress.
Ah yes. There is the obligatory devastatingly handsome hero and the stunningly beautiful heroine so far so ho hum. But he is a werewolf and she is a vampire cross valkyrie (some girls have all the luck) and this little tale is their adventures across half the globe: she escaping all kinds of stuff by the skin of her teeth and he literally fighting the hordes of hell for his lady fair. The way I am feeling right now, this piece of mental bubblegum really hits the spot. I love a hero. I loved the way Cole described desperation of loss and I loved the (occasional quite literal) tooth and nail fight for love.
The pace is very fast, the (rather gory) fight scenes lucid, the sex scenes... umm raunchy might be an appropriate desciption and there is fairly liberal use of the f word too. Altogether a book that a good Christian woman might think twice about reading. And I did think twice about it too and then I went ahead and bought it. And now I am going to go and buy the sequels because sneers aside, this is a damn fine tale and there is nothing wrong with that in my book.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Labels: This Week I am Mostly Reading
Friday Fiver
1. What do you resent?
Mostly, being awake when everyone else is asleep. Knowing that I will spend the day feeling bloodless and awful and will probably have insomnia the coming night too.
2. What is your most recent occupation?
I am a mum, that is a career. Last paid work was as a sheltered housing warden
3. What are you presently wearing?
muslin nightie and fleece robe
4. What presents have you bought?
lots, but they are a secret.
5. Whose presence would you enjoy tonight?
I miss Tom
Another sleepless night and while looking for things with which to entertain myself, I realised that I had missed the Friday fiver. I will move it to Friday later on.
Posted by
4:34 AM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Bad day for Eden...
"Baby, it's broken, no good"
"No good, sweetheart, it would hurt you."
"Bokken?" Hiccuping sobs
"Yes, sweetie. Broken."
"I can't darling, some things just can't be fixed."
Big, big, blue eyes brim over with huge tears and my heart breaks for her over a damned yogurt pot. If only we could fix everything. A hard lesson for a four year old to learn.
On the good news I don't have DVT, which was a concern that caused much sleeplessness last night. I just have a baddie leg is all. I have to warm up properly when I dance (duh!) and take things easy for a few days. I did not laugh in the doctor's face when he told me this, hey, he had just lifted a sentence of warfarin off me, so I just about managed to keep it to a twisted grin.
It still flippin' hurts mind and there is still the niggling thought that I am banking a fair bit on one man's say so that this lump in my calf is not a clot that might not break off, get lodged in a lung and drop me dead in a cold second.
Most of my mind is content with the situation though and is very content that I do not have to go down the hospital for daily jabs of rat poison.
But if he is wrong and I do drop dead then V gets to sue the backside off the National health and becomes a very rich widower indeed.
See? There are silver linings everywhere!
Posted by
1:33 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I wonder...
Yesterday was the funeral of an old friend. She had been ill for years with a mild kind of leukemia - debilitating rather than deadly. Then all of a sudden, it mutates into the malignant kind and she is dead six weeks later. Bang. She was the same age as my husband, seven years older than me. It makes you think.
I have been fighting hard lately, fighting for stuff I should not want, making impossible demands on people. How can I be devastated when they do not give me what I want? It seems that all my adult life I have wanted more. More stuff, more challenges, more people to love me, more things to do, more things to learn. What will it take? What will it take?
I have been thinking for a long time to go and train as a nurse. The twins are going to school full time next September and this is my chance, maybe my last chance. And of course as my little ones leave for a new chapter in their lives, I am getting broody again - which is right out as far as V is concerned. And I see the rightness of it. Doesn't make it easier though, especially with the girls in church sprogging left right and centre.
So here is the question. Is this desire to get out and get nurse training a bluff for hiding broodiness? Or is it a real desire? Or is the broodiness a hiding place? If I stay at home with another baby (or two?) for another four years, I will not have to attempt the three years training that it takes to be a nurse. Also, V thinks I do not have the necessary characteristics to become a nurse. Do I ignore the opinion of a person who knows me so very well? He has lived with me for more than half my life after all.
What to do? I wonder...
Posted by
5:23 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
There is something wrong...
I have not spun today...
Neither have I knitted,
or looked at yarn on the web...
and what is most worrying of all, I have not wanted to either. And it is not as if I have decided to write a book or take up roller blading or origami. I just have reached a dead end and I am finding it bizarrre.
Am I going in for something?
Posted by
9:15 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday Scribblings - Misspent Youth
I don't know if a youth is ever misspent. Surely every experience goes into making what we are.
(Just about the shortest SS I have ever done!)
Posted by
9:31 PM
Labels: Sunday Scribblings
Saturday, November 24, 2007
It is Love
Christmas is coming...hint, hint.
(Sometimes V reads my blog. It is worth try.)
Posted by
6:50 PM
Labels: knitting
Friday, November 23, 2007
Pod's Hat - phase four ...or... Return of the Hat
I am quite chuffed really with this, it has certainly been fun to do. Thanks Pods, I'll hand it over to Dizzy this evening.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I found this today.
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves;
they will have no end of fun.
I liked that.
Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends!
Posted by
7:49 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Pod's hat - phase three
Apparently Pod has been watching with baited/bated (?) breath for the next installment of the hat saga. The felt has been sitting on my piano looking forlorn. I made it up and then got cold feet thinking that I would foul up the cutting somehow, but I managed and now it is recognisably a hat.
It looks a bit weird though. Kind of what Darth Vader would wear if he was a Mountain Ash Rugby Football Club supporter. But there you go. I followed my brief and it is all done bar the shouting. Hopefully they will be yells of glee rather than "What the hell do you call that?!" followed by hoots of laughter. I can hear Uncle Daisy* now...
Pics tomorrow when I can find a model that is awake
*Uncle Daisy - the name bestowed by my youngest on Dizzy's husband - as sturdy an example of Welshman that you could find in the Valleys, built like a brick privvy as they say around here and my three fairys call him Uncle Daisy. He wears it graciously.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
OK Now I Know
Yes folks it is insomnia again! And you know what that means...blogthings quizzes! Yay!
You Are a Fruitcake |
People pretend you're sweet and precious, but they know how weird you really are! |
Posted by
4:28 AM
Labels: insomnia, OK Now I Know
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday Five
1. What's the last thing you threw away?
Coffee grounds - what a weird question
2. Have you ever been to Paris?
Yup - it is chock full of rude French people...apart from that, it is stunning.
3. What do you stare at?
Stars, candle flames
4. What do you hurry for?
Not much, but the school run is a hassle sometimes :)
5. Friday fill-in: I could have been...
a physiotherapist if it were not for a career's advisor in school who told me I needed a degree in Physics... bad advice...utterly incorrect in fact, but I believed him. Oh well...
Posted by
5:17 PM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, November 15, 2007
4 things
Yes it is me again, my blood sugar is rock bottom and all I can do right now is sit in front of the 'puter and not move.
So, reading Pilgrim's blog (among others) this morning and he has a four things meme. Now I am not about to do the whole thing...but V just wandered in with second breakfast and asked me for the four best intro's to songs I know.
And here they are
- Golden Brown by The Stranglers
- Walking on Sunshine - KC and the Sunshine Band
- Take on Me - A ha
- Feelin'Good - Ella Fiztgerald
Posted by
11:35 AM
Belonging - Haiku
Safe in his warm arms,
I am his and he is mine.
Two souls, one heart beat.
This is, I know, almost unbearably sentimental, but belonging just spoke of the Song of Songs to me. I am my beloved's and he is mine. That is belonging. For other haiku check out ODB here
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: haiku, One deep breath
A Day for the Queen
I spent the day working on Pod's hat as you can see from the previous post which is I confess post dated or a retrospective or what ever you call it when you fiddle with the posting options on blogger - cheating?
Anyway. It is Thursday and that means a love is all around. There have been plenty of kidling pics up here of late so I think I will post up...

Carol (sans quilt) in her Cordell costume. Taken in Blaenafon Ironworks which is where The Coal House was filmed.
Carol will not kill me for posting this up because she is a lovely person, but she will want to kill me very much indeed.
Posted by
7:15 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pod's Hat - phase two
This is fun, but it takes a looooooong time. Get the colour mix right, then blend, pile the batts up, split, card up, pile up, split the pile and card again. It is best to take rings off the fingers for this or else you'll get blisters! Trust me, I know.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Double Portion
All kinds of stories surround these pair. Here are some :
- The vision of cherries I recieved in prayer when I knew I was pregnant but had no idea of twins.
- The fact that I thought I had killed my mum when I told her over the phone that I was carrying two. That was a laugh - she went utterly silent and I thought she had had a heart attack and died.
- The struggle of carrying them when the docs mentioned twin transference (big problem) and then genetic growth disorders (bigger problem) to the point where the obstetrician finally mentioned "abnormalities incompatible with life" and then offered to terminate the smallest (Lily).
I still look at them and catch myself thinking in astonishment "Twins!" and Rose too, as beautiful a big sister that you could find.
My cup runneth over. Happy Birthday babies.
Posted by
2:25 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Ah! I remember

Posted by
4:17 PM
Monday Again?!
Bleedin'nora as they say round here. Is it Monday? And heck, it is almost tea time! I can't remember what I did with it. Hope it was good. I knew there was a reason why I kept a blog. It tells me what I have done.
I think I have slept...I am sure I have. What day is it again?
Posted by
4:12 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
we shall remember them
The First World War has always had a soul impact on me. The optimism with which it started and the unimaginable horror that it trailed behind it.
I went to Borders today and leafed through a book titled Faces of the First World War. a book of photographs and they left nothing out. I was transfixed...but I did not buy it, some things should not be brought home to look at you from the bookshelf, but I am glad I read it.
Posted by
12:15 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Yes It Is Insomnia Again!
You Are Animal |
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts. You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary. But you sure can beat a good drum. "Kill! Kill!" |
Posted by
4:02 AM
Labels: insomnia, OK Now I Know
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
New Game
Wandering around Blogspace this morning, as you do and I happened across a new game. What you do is tap in your name into amazon search and see what it throws up. I had several, including an urban gothic, whatever that might be. Sounds like something they would offer you in Starbucks as part of a Halloween special, probably in a tall black mug.
I digress...
Sian Hill threw up this...written by Eric Hill and translated by Sian Lewis, see?
*wailing* I don't wanna do housework!
Posted by
12:30 PM
Baby, it's cold outside!
I have perfected this recipe over many years and I think it is as close to perfect as I'm ever going to get anything
Bottle of inexpensive red wine. ( I use the French table wine from Tescos but the Bulgarian cabernet sauvignon is good too
1 orange, sliced into half inch slices, dont use the top or bottom slice as there is too much pith in proportion to flesh and pith makes it taste bitter. (I will resist the urge to make any further comment here)
Brandy or port or sherry in order of preference. If you want to make falling down water then use all three. Fill a large mug half full with chosen plonk - Tesco's own tawny port is lovely for this - and top up to full with water. Add another mug of water or else you'll be asleep by eight.
Soft brown sugar to taste. I use about 1 or 2 tablespoons. Don't use too much or else it will start to taste medicinal, weird I know but there it is.
5 cloves
1 large cinnamon stick. Tap the stick very gently with a wooden spoon. It releases the scent of the spice into the wine.
1 decent sized piece of whole dried ginger root. This can be difficult to get hold of. I got mine in a health food shop in Aberystwyth, Do not be tempted to use powdered ginger, it clouds the wine and it hangs around on the tongue too. If you cant get it whole dried, use fresh (peeled) but then make it a large piece.
Put all the ingredients in a large sauce pan and heat very gently until steam starts to curl slowly from the pan. Strain and serve in heat proof glasses.
Roasted chestnuts are the desired accompaniment with this but gingerbread is good too.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Went to see Stardust last night - oh what a fantastic film. I think I will go and see it again before too long and it is a definate must for the DVD collection when it is out. A proper fairy story: true love, evil, beauty, a handsome hero, murder, escapes, pirates, oh so pretty costumes, sword fights, adventure and rescue. You just can not beat a recipe such as that ...and the ending is a classic. Go and see it with someone you love.
Posted by
8:20 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
The Chore
Man! This stuff is fine! And that takes some spinning. I have about 85 grams of this fibre and I reckon I have about 45 g left to spin up. Perhaps another week of spinning evenings.
Posted by
5:11 PM
Labels: Spinning