Well, we are all busy this season right? But it is fun right? I think I am having fun. You would tell me if I was going nuts wouldn't you? I still have pressies to make and a skit to write for the church ceilidh and carol service on the 23rd.
Here is another question - why is so much Christmas music appallingly sad? Not sad as in pathetic, though there is plenty of that too. I mean sad as in tragic, really "open a vein" sad.
I was wandering around Tesco last night after work and on the pipe came that lovely bunch of ASBO**s, I think it was East 17. Anyway, they were singing Stay Another Day. Jeepers! I was welling up!
I love Mudd and It'll be lonely this Christmas cos of his fine Elvis impersonation and it is a good song to weep into the beer to and David Essex's Winters Tale is a classic, albeit a forgotten one. But I never realised how heartbreaking it must be at Christmas if you have lost someone and then you have to cope with what is almost an unrelenting tide of sad songs. How awful it must be. I have lost a few friends this year and none of them have been easy, but to lose love...
Right! Enough of that! Here is a pic of the chocolate snack we enjoyed whilst out hollying.

* In honour of that fabulous saying - "busier than a one legged man in an arse kicking contest"
**Anti Social Behaviour something, I think it is Order. I don't think I am out of line when I say that the young men that sang Stay Another Day looked, to a pimple, like a bunch of car thieves. (oops, somebody give me a hand up to the kind blog waggon that just passed over my head will you?)
HAHA! Yes, it's Anti Social B ehaviour Order - and so so true! East 17 (or E17 as they were later referred to, after Brian admitted to doing Ecstasy and even said that it was fine and safe ... LIVE ON THE AIR! He never lived that one down) DO look like a bunch of thugs, or, as you so aptly put it, "ASBOs". Once again, you make me laugh. It's the way you put things - 'really "open a vein" sad' - had me in stitches!
Such a cute pic. I'll ring you soon xxx
Your words doth bring back such fine memories...nostalgic I feel. Thank you :)
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