Friday, December 28, 2007

Now and Then - Sunday Scribblings

This time last year

Now I am filling in the expected dates in my new calendar. I love doing that. Seeing my whole year spread out in front of me full of potential. Will I start the nurse training? Will I get chickens? Will I manage to do Woolfest this year?
2007 is just about over and what a wild ride it was. Fun though if painful at times but then what is a year if you haven't lived it to the full? I hope 2008 is as adventurous and challenging. Okay Woolfest doesn't sound either but believe me, for me it will be! Adventures and challenges are relative as Sniff in the Moomintrolls will tell you.
This time last year Iwas writing this blog tucked away in my own miniscule corner of cyberspace. At that time I had yet to meet Patois, Nicole, the Sheriff or Pilgrim. And Dizzy, Iolo, Cherub and Pippa had not yet started blogging. Very glad you guys drop by btw.

For other thoughts on Then and Now check Sunday Scribblings


Lorraine said...

Sian- and we're very glad we found you. You are so inspiring, and such a wicked sense of humour.

All the best in 2008 to you and yours. I'm sure Wales is beautiful, and I hope to get there some day.

Sian said...

Lorraine: Hugs to you. When you get to Wales, drop in for a cuppa (and some handspun shetland too)

Ms_T said...

You, V and the girls are a blessing to know Sian, May you and the family get everything your hearts desire in 2008! Peace and love to you all x x