Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Five

Friday Fiver

1. What's the last thing you threw away?
Coffee grounds - what a weird question

2. Have you ever been to Paris?
Yup - it is chock full of rude French people...apart from that, it is stunning.

3. What do you stare at?
Stars, candle flames

4. What do you hurry for?
Not much, but the school run is a hassle sometimes :)

5. Friday fill-in: I could have been...

a physiotherapist if it were not for a career's advisor in school who told me I needed a degree in Physics... bad advice...utterly incorrect in fact, but I believed him. Oh well...


Patois42 said...

Wow! You've got a degree in physics? Or you were smart enough that someone thought you should get one? I am humbled before you.

Sian said...

Good grief Patois, no! Lol! No way could I get a degree in physics...which is why I gave up on the idea of being a physiotherapist :(