Thursday, October 08, 2009

I Dont Know...

I have had a bad ish sort of day. Not as bad as some mind you, but bad enough. The cat, dear darling Zac died today after a minor op. He was okay coming out of the anasthetic and then he had a heart attack and died. Gone.

I want to be sad, but the thing that puts it in perspective for me is that a good friend of mine lost his son last night. Twenty six years old, built like a bull and now he is dead. I have no words at all because I know if anything happened to my kids I would go instantly and totally insane. What on earth can you say to someone whose child had died? Really...what?

So then I go over my blog because I was looking for photos and I find that I am remembering all sorts of things tonight.

1 comment:

Pippa said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear that your cat has died. And what shockingly awful news about your friend's son. What a hard time.