Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Out to Lunch

Well, its just five past nine in the morning and already its shaping up to an odd day. It's wet, cold and in V's pungently expressed words "It's bleedin' 'orrible out there". Still the fire is ticking over nicely and I don't have to go out to Steph's until 11.30 and even then I'm having lunch cooked for me. I'll probably take my mum's pressie with me to work on, I don't fancy lugging the wheel out in the wet.

I've spent the morning so far, writing the church's Christmas concert. I only do the words, Faith does the songs and lyrics and indeed everything else. I'd been having real difficulty getting the feel of the project this year, but I hope I have cracked it now.

I also had a candlelit bath this morning. I woke at five so that certainly allows for some "me" time. Not that I'm going to make a habit of it you understand and it was certainly relaxing enough that as yet, I don't feel sleep deprived, early days yet though I suppose.

I've also surfed around a few spinning blogs and by and large enjoyed them even if they made me feel inadequate. They were very pretty many of them with lots of photos. Oh I must get the hang of posting photos.

Well, I've more spinning to do and Rose's room needs sorting and I'm going out today so, lay on Mac Duff

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