You'll meet singing bears, a scabby wolf with a penchant for food fights and a TV presenter Goldilocks obsessed with winning an award. Great fun.
Afan Forest Park Fun Day, there was all sorts of craft activities, carving, bird box making. There was a storyteller which I would have likes to go and see but we didn't get the chance. There was a live band and there was pouring rain. We stood in it patient as cattle, it felt very British. Thermos flasks, biscuits, raincoats, wet grass and jolly big umbrellas.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears as you have never seen it before. The domestic God daddy bear, the Welsh Mam, handbag wielding, mummy bear, the (teenage) baby that sings - I'm too sexy for my fur, so sexy I grrrr for the camera, the stroppy neighbour from hell wolf that breaks into the bears cottage, trashes it and has a Star Wars-esque mop fight with Goldilocks who is secretly filming the bears in their natural habitat. I think that sums it up really.

I laughed like a drain through most of it. "Baby bear, why is there a girl in your room?" and a food fight is always fun, especially when the victims are not expecting it. "Do you want some jelly" in broadest wolf Essex, hurling wobbling gobbets at the audience and generally trying to make the children cry. Even Lily shrank away from her own Daddy. And in grand theatre tradition ending on a song and dance with an impromptu pillow fight thrown in. I loved it.
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