Monday, May 14, 2007

One Step Closer to Icarus!

Samba, cobweb weight, cashmere & silk blend

V downloaded Icarus for me from Mim Knits last night. Oh happy, happy girl. It doesn't take much see, just my own way most of the time. And I get the feeling that Samba will be on its way this week so there is a good chance that I will be able to take some knitting with me on holiday next week. This is a relief to V poor dear as I think that he is getting rather fed up of carting my louet around all the time. Knitting is at least a lot more portable.

V looked at the charts last night as he was downloading them and commented that he would never in a month of Sundays be able to understand them. I assured him that I probably wouldn't either considering that I knit like a bear as I have said before. However, this shawl just bit me and I had to have a go. I have known all my life how to be stubborn. So I am relying on pure bloody mindedness to see me through. And failing all else there is always Mum, the expert, to take over when I'm ready to collapse.

Then I went on line just now to have another gloat on Posh Yarn and saw that the silk yarn that Rose fell in love with when we were looking at the site together was still up for sale. How could I resist. So in the cart with it.

Rose pleaded with me last night for it,
Oh baby, it's very expensive.
I've got money, she wailed...teeter, wobble went the bottom lip, big sky eyes.
Baby, I just can't.

Okaay, she sighed.

Jewel Box, double knit, silk

Told V about it when he came in from church. Oh well he said, if she wants it. Picked myself up from the floor in shock, got distracted and didn't remember until just now. I love my husband, he is such a pushover for his daughters...and his wife.

Off now to make Iolo's cookies for him. Thanks V for understanding a yarn addicted wife ( and daughter)

Have a pretty, yarn filled (or what ever does it for you), colourful day.

PS Thanks Dee for permission to use images.


Nicole said...

Hey Sian, LOVE the yarn! Congrats on having such an understanding hubby!

Re stitch markers: they go on the needle. And then you move them to the working needle (like a slipped stitch) when you get there. That way you have a visible marker reminding you when you get to the edging stitches, center stitches, beginning of a pattern repeat, etc. They have lots of uses once you get used to them.

Anonymous said...

I feel I must point out that Iolo saw no sign of the cookies after this point. Not a choc chip or measly crumb. Iolo sobbed.