Hurrah! It went off splendidly. So pleased and proud of my friends. It was funny, tragic, scary and even powerful in places. In one way I was sorry I was in it because I would have liked very much to have seen it. Still, all off to Carol's tomorrow to watch the vid and prowl over the performance. Oh I so enjoyed it, even though at the time...waiting in the wings to go on etc, I could not
believe that I had agreed to do the darned thing. Was I nervous! And then I remembered...ah yes,
this was why I gave up theatre.
But indeed, it was a success and I am so glad that it was.
And now - wow, I'm wrecked...absolutely wrecked and there's only one solution. Hot milky coffee mopped up with warm croissants and nutella. All the major food groups - caffeine, dairy, carbs and chocolate.Mmmmmm.
I'm off now to surf and order cicular knitting needles...funny the things we do to reward ourselves, I think some lace angora yarn might be on the horizon too ( I can't spin angora - it makes me sneeze so badly).
Have a pretty day.
Strongly agree there (except for my want to knit),(although I did 'master' the art of the drop spindle...kind of). Couldn't sleep last night, had many things on my mind, am putting it down to relief. But I must admit I enjoyed every moment. Three cheers for the Legendery Cordell Players! Hip Hip...
See that is why I get my theatre kicks running the light/sound board. That way I can still be involved, but I get to watch the show at the same time. Glad it went well!
Thanks Nicole. I'm glad too or is that dizzy with relief?!
Do you know what? Am running through today's 'to do' list and notice that it is the great 'playback' of the Cordell performance tonight. I feel more nervous about tonight than I did about performing on Monday?!?!? eh?? I guess that on Monday I was able to disassociate myself from what was happening. But tonight I am forced to watch how (possibly) daft I looked?!!?!?!? i feel ill....
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