Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday scribblings


Been thinking a bit about parties a bit lately (thanks Nicole). How will I celebrate my fortieth. Yes, I know, I have plenty of time to plan, but it's as well to be prepared. And then this morning, making the coffee, I popped on Rose's request CD, Disney Princess and it hit me. Come as your favourite Disney villain.

Seconds later I thought, hang on...I'm a good girl I am, why villains? Because in acting/theatre at least, villains are more fun.
V is the most moral man I have ever met, and yet he would love to play Gaston (Beauty and the Beast). I love Ursula the sea witch in the Little Mermaid. Though I'm not quite up to her weight, or voice, but she is still fabulous. And then you get the A grade bad eggs: Jafar, The Wicked Stepmother(s) and the biggest of the lot, Malificent, who gets to turn into a dragon. Cool.

Sometimes wouldn't you love to unleash your inner baddie (not in a Psycho way of course) but just acknowledge that sometimes its a bit of fun to wear a scary mask.

What Disney villain would you come as?


Clockworkchris said...

Amen to Ursula. I want to name my first daughter (if I have one) Ariel. I love that movie so much. I got a chance to unleash my baddie last week and it was wonderful. I felt guilty afterwards because it really made me feel good to me a little mean. It was deserved and no feelings were hurt so I got over it. I don't know what Disney "Villian" I would come as but I do love the crazy cat in "Alice in Wonderland." I own all the Disney movies and now I am going to be looking through them all day trying to figure out which villian I like the most. Thanks for making me think. :)

Anonymous said...

Woody (Toy story)...
Altough not your stereotypical 'Bad Guy', I have chosen him. Respected by friends and seen as a leader. When Buzz Lightyear comes onto the scene he is fueled by jealousy and does things he later on regrets. The scariness of this vilain comes from knowing that we all can be him, and that in an instant we all can become monsters.

Good grief that was deep.

thefirecat said...

Wow....that's a tough one. It'd be kind of cool to get to wear a dragon costume, but rather ungainly, don't you think? Will have to think on this some more.....hmmmmm....

Amber said...

This would be SO MUCH FUN!! What a great idea! I think I might swipe it, if you don't mind. ;)


sister AE said...

Perhaps a bit new-fangled of me, but at the moment I'd like the mask of Yzma from "The Emperor’s New Groove". She is completely over-the-top and unwaveringly fixated on her goal.

gautami tripathy said...

Sometimes the inner baddie does come out. Unintentionally though.

Nicole said...

You're welcome. :)

Malificent definitely gets my vote. (Though I'd wear her early-on costume, not the dragon one. Much fun though the dragon would be.) She is the awesomest villain there is.

Oh, and as a side note - my theatre group did Disney's Aladdin a year or two back, and making those costumes was So. Much. Fun. Our Jafar looked great. I'll have to see about posting some pics - it will be a while, but since you'll be gone, the timing will work well.

Lucy said...

I agree, sometimes it would be nice if we could just unleash that inner baddie! ( love the way you worded that!) I guess if we are talking DISNEY villains I would have to choose cruella DeVille, she is pretty colorful although I would steal the dogs to Love them and not turn them into furs. ( guess that defeats the "villain persona".) If you were talking NON disney- I would go with my fav. the wicked witch of the west. ( certain times of the month, i think I AM her)
thanks for visiting me this week :))

Anthony (val) said...

I Love Gaston, which is kind of odd as he is the sort of bloke I detested in school, there is something about him though that is endearing, perhaps it's just the song he sings, which is ovcourse all about him. A typical rugby git if ever I saw one, all teachers thought they were great, when infact they were utter and complete total ba...... to anyone that didn't fit in with them.
Ah well, I would still love to play his part in some drama production.