They say that for every choice we make a part of our life breaks off and continues elsewhere - an alternative reality or something. It is an absorbing notion. There is a me still in Africa, there is a me on a Carmarthen farm, there are several, I am sure, where I am no longer even alive.
A few months ago I got to see one of my alternatives quite closely, a second chance to see a man I once knew when I was a very young woman, only just past the girl really.
Oh, years ago this man was something to see. He moved like water or a particularly well bred cat and courting some one else though I was, he made his interest in me clear. I thought about it, messy though it would have been, but soon thought the better of it.
I left his sphere and did not see him for the next fourteen years. In this time he married a girl who was far more beautiful than I. She was Irish with dark flashing eyes and she held herself like a queen. They were married for ten years, had two daughters and then they divorced. He could not help himself...married to a sweet natured beauty, he still wanted more, something else, someone else, his own second chance...
As I said, a few months ago I saw this chap once more, quite unexpectedly. His ex-wife was just picking up her children. We chatted, catching up, knowing that we would probably never have such another set of random circumstances to meet each other again. She is still as lovely as ever. He has aged, thickened at the waist, but still an eye catching way with him.
And it could have been me, picking up my daughters, seeing a man with whom I once shared life and do so no longer.
I went home to my own man, knowing that we will lose each other only to death, not to what might have been. Some second chances you can keep.
Hm, how lovely that turned out for you. Good to get that confirmation of being on right path.
(btw, the link to the kind blof has a typo in it of extra http:)
Thanks for the comment Pearl and I'll get right on the typo!
Nope, Blogger is playing silly buggers today and is not letting me correct it. It'll have to stay wrong for now along with a few others but I will get onto it when Blogger wants to play nice again.
Bear with me!
I particularly liked your comment at the beginning about bits of life breaking off into alterate realities. I wonder that sometimes.
I do enjoy being able to see an "alternative" me from time to time, but I end up right where you are: content and sure of the reality I'm living.
What you say is interesting. Alternate realities fascinate me. Here is a question:
If everything we do has an alternate choice, do you think, looking at all the worlds, that you would have kissed or killed more people?
Interesting question Newbie. I hope I would never kill anyone...though if someone threatened my kids who knows.
As for kissing, probably, yes.
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