Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wonderland calling

Wow, I thought spinning was addictive, it looks like blogging will soon become my drug of choice.

I've had real fun today playing with computer stuff, trying to up load photos - which is the easiest bit actually cos me camera requires not only batteries, yup I can manage that one, but apparently its integral memory is full. I know this because it told me so, then it blew a rasberry at me, told me its batteries were knackered and switched itself off. So now all I have to do is find a memory stick and do what ever it is one does with it to relieve my constipated little camera.
Several problems arise at this point

  • What is a memory stick, what do they look like and where has V hidden them?
  • When you have this stick what do you do with it?
  • What is a USB anyway?
  • The image has to be below 50 MB, okay managed that cos adobe did it for me, but it leads me to the next point of
  • What is a URL and how does one get it shorter than 68 characters? I don't know if its me but the whack of gibberish I copied and pasted into the given space was almost as long as this post!

Never mind. Today I am Alice, Blogger is the white rabbit, lappie is the Cheshire cat, and V, my caterpillar - font of all things mystical, enigmatical and computerish is in Ludlow for the weekend and is faintly alarmed that I have ventured into Wonderland without him.

But I take heart that though this tecnical illiterate has killed two fridges, a TV ( a telly that is, not a crossdresser cos that would be illegal, dear children) and a video recorder, I have yet to seriously fry a computer

That said, the day is not yet over, indeed the night is young.
I may even manage to get some crocheting done before its time for cocoa and beddy byes

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