Monday, June 02, 2008

Insect Day

So, it is the end of the Whitsun holidays and my house looks like a bomb has hit it and both my hoover and my washing machine decided that today would indeed be a good day to die. Nuts.

Also, while other mothers had seen their busy broods back into the tender mercies of the British educational system, Clyne is still heaving with kidlings as it is inset day - or insect day as Rose calls it. And of course the Law of Sod declares that after a week of abysmal weather the first day back in school must be a glorious day.

Dead household essentials plus insect day plus sun mean only one thing - get your shoes on girls, we are off to the park.

Hope you have a sunny day too.


Greg C said...

Bug wars have started here as well. Time to bring out the big guns. Good luck.

robin ann mcintosh said...

what holidays? huh?

Sian said...

Whitsun holidays are a half term here. No school for a week for anyone under 16.

Inset day is day for UK teachers to have extra training. These are organised by the individual schools hence no children in our village school today either...

Insect day is what Rose calls inset days. No bugs were harmed in the making of this blog post

Technodoll said...

Sun? what is that? can I get me some in a can?


send photos pleeeease! :-)

Anonymous said...

I used to call it insect day and all! She is in good company!