We don't do diets in our house and so far we have coped pretty well with eating very much as we pleased. However, we have a posh do coming up in month or two and V has ordered a rather dashing outfit. I think he will look rather toothsome in it but now he is debating the wisdom of ordering a 34" waist. I told him at the time that he was probably being optimistic but who am I after all :o)
The do and the fact that he is off to the depths of Africa this summer has starting him thinking that he might want to shape up a bit so he's started swimming again and has drawn up a truly boring diet made up of equal parts tuna, bananas and brown rice. Gah!
Never the less I stumped up a breakfast recipe and here it is:
The do and the fact that he is off to the depths of Africa this summer has starting him thinking that he might want to shape up a bit so he's started swimming again and has drawn up a truly boring diet made up of equal parts tuna, bananas and brown rice. Gah!
Never the less I stumped up a breakfast recipe and here it is:

But I had better not tell him what I had for tea...

Bah you need to burn more energy preparing all these healthful meals for him anyways, your teatime snacks are more than well-deserved!
A diet is "die" with a "t", it's not a way of life.
Long live hot toasted crumpets with butter and honey! wooo!
aw, yumm, I still haven't eaten breakfast and that looks divine!
Mmm, I like the look of your tea much better.
just what he needs good for you,nothing wrong with looking after your man.the two weeks he is away he will be eating things that if you put them on the table he would think you were nuts.but God will look after him.make sure he takes mostly cotton garments and his shirts have long sleeves to keep off the mosquitos after nightfall and good walking boots.you could do with eating more cakes just tell him you need the extra calories because you are now doing more like the job at the y.m.c.a. etc.no you can't lie.i know tell him sara made you eat them.he'll go for that??????
That looks like what I eat for breakfast every morning......but it's not that choc full of goodness!
rofl I did that on sunday before church he he he! Well a little of what you fancy!
- breakfast not so good, but the scones with jam and cream, mmmmm yummy :)
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