Glad to be back. Although holidays are fun and Devon was lovely, there is nothing like being home. We returned however to find that Zac had been copiously sick all over the sofa and our cat sitter had not noticed, though how she could fail to notice the smell passes me...but there you are. So what with getting the hot water going, stripping the sofa - which is a job cos it is a pretty big beast and keeping the girls from examining week old cat puke...why do kids find the gross so fascinating? Plus all the usual faff of unpacking and sorting, it was pretty busy last night I can tell you.
On more pleasant news - I have a spinning commission! I don't get those very often, well, ever really. A lady from Ystradgynlais wants me to spin poodle fur. I have never spun dog hair, though I know it can be done. I think it will have to be blended with some wool both to stretch the fibre out so that she will have enough yarn to actually make something and to make it easier to spin. And I have told her that whenever she washes the item it will smell of wet dog - something that had not occurred to her. This fur holds a lot of sentimental value for her though as the poodle has in fact been dead for five years - am I the only one who finds making a scarf from one's dead dog rather macabre? Still takes all sorts I suppose.
Also on a happy note, V has come round to the idea of keeping chickens. I do not think this is because he is trying to make it up to me for killing the MG* I think it was that visit to the animal sanctuary. We saw some beautiful Rhode Island Red hens there and they were so friendly. So it is looking like a rather more definite maybe than it was previously.

*Yes, the MG is no more, V wrote it off on a particularly dark and rainy night using a crash barrier and a 360 degree spin. No other vehicle was involved and no one was hurt but I could easily have been widowed (on my anniversary no less) so although the car was totalled I really don't give a damn. I think he believes me but he still feels bad about it. I didn't blog about it cos I did not want to rub it in (he really does feel very bad about it) but he also wondered why I haven't mentioned it, so here it is.
Welcome back! I'd like some chickens too, but we'll have to move house for that. Sorry to hear about the MG - I didn't even get to see it in 'real-life'! Ah well. Hope to see you soon x
Dorothy had it right eh?! "There's no place like home!"
Sian- Oh dear, cat barf, the MG and dead dog fur-
(sounds like a novel), oh well, as long as everyone is okay.
I've seen some amazing chickens, some of them have furry feet and punk rock hair styles.
Gosh Sian, sorry to hear about the accident, V was sooo lucky.
I hope you do get to have some chickens, I really couldn't be without my girls, I love them to bits, they are fab pets, and very affectionate too :) Mine are a sort of Rhode Island/Buff Orpington cross, bred as meat birds, so unpredictable layers. But I've had eggs just about every day from them, so the best in my book. I think they are just sooo grateful to be rescued from the Te*co lorry!
Kim x
ps, I do think the poodle fur a bit macabre!
Pippa: I can see you with chickens...and a aga, and a herb garden etc etc...
Jessica: I love that film... I even possess ruby slippers!
Lorraine: You crack me up. The word barf is just hilarious as indeed are punky chickens :o)
Kim: You blog is very inspirational to me and I hope you don't mind if I knock on your door (metaphorically)for chicken advice when/if things go pear shaped! :o)
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