Rain has stopped play in the garden so I am back blogging once more. The lawn was threatening to return to jungle yet again. Honestly, turn your back for a week and the garden goes to pot. Next door is even more lackadaisical in their approach to gardening than I am but they have the knotweed and now so do I. Knotweed is an agent of Hell. Some twerp thought it would be a good idea to introduce yet another alien species to our shore, it promptly escaped and has taken over the countryside. I have a pretty broad spectrum when it comes to plants. I don't mind dandelions and actively like buttercups, daisies are essential in a garden where there are small girls but I have my limits and knotweed must die.
While out there I found some particularly beautiful moths. Pure white with slim, elegant wings. They looked rather as if they were off to the opera later this evening. Possibly to sing the part of the Phantom...

In other news V and I went to Cowbridge this morning to search for a hat. A particular hat for a particular head. My husband has the most unusual shaped head in the 'verse so buying hats for him is a nightmare. After something of a struggle we met with success and now his ears will not crisp up when he goes to Africa this Summer. He is off with Uncle Daisy to Uganda for two weeks on a missions trip. He is looking forward to it, digging out the linen shirts and trousers that we bought for the States last year. He is getting in touch with his inner Colonial I think - all he needs is a panama and a large gin and he is good to go. I don't think it will last, he's practising his toff accent as I write and has slipped into Tom Baker* - yup, he has just offered me a jelly baby. It's all down hill from here...
*Tom Baker, the greatest Dr Who of them all.
Pretty moth, but keep it away from my yarn! I know they don't all eat yarn, but just in case...
And Tom Baker is the best Dr. Who. As far as I'm concerned, he *IS* the Doctor.
moths scare me. Tom Baker doesn't though, he's cool : )
Sian- Tom Baker also was Redbeard Rum in Blackadder- "you've got a woman's purse"--
oh, yes, and Dr. Who, of course.
I'm not a fan of moths either Nicole but these were beautiful fellows and butterflies freak me out too Little Bird, I think it is the frantic flapping - yuk!
Lorraine, how could I have forgotten Captain Rum? Perhaps the best episode of all BA II "I laugh in the face of the spindly killer fish"
You have a woman's bottom, my Lord!
Ok that is just strange but I like it. We have lots of caterpillars on our tomato plants. It seems they are called tobacco caterpillars. They turn into something called a spinx moth.
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