Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A joke, of sorts

This was sent to me by Sharon Aberdare who swears that it is one of her husband's jokes and that she finds it a bit sick. I thought it was hilarious and so I am passing it on. But blame Chris if you don't like it. You'll find him here. He's baaaad (got to say it like that when you are from Aberdare see?) at the moment tho, so take it easy on him okay?

Imagine my joy when getting
the Christmas decorations
out and I found a present I'd
forgot to give the family last year.
Their excited faces were a picture
as they unwrapped it and opened the box...
unfortunately it was a puppy!

and as we are on the subject of fairly outrageous things to say, I thought I would pass on a small excerpt from Pastor's sermon last Sunday. It is Christmas okay? Magi and the stable and all that stuff.

Now in Wales you'd be hard pushed to find three wise men (pause of perfect length for maximum impact) ...or a virgin.

Yes, he is a real pastor, they ordained him and everything.


Lorraine said...

That's priceless! I love it!

Sa said...

My mother was mortified! as he followed that by the "special gift" for men whose wives have condtional love for them! wink

Sian said...

Yup, Pastor John was on rare form Sunday. Who'd have thought you would have to think twice about inviting your mother to church. Fun!

Patois42 said...

Your pastor sounds a lot like our priest. I could enjoy services there.

Ms_T said...

Yer John really was on top form on Sunday but I think he should have kept them jokes for his regular lot of COTM'ers and not said them in front of everyones mam's lol! As for Chris, that joke was well sick I have to agree with his lovely wife there!

Sian said...

Patois: Yes, I think you would fit right in in our church. It is zany, not at all stuffy and a lot of fun.

Cherub: I think it is good to challenge perceptions of church sometimes. John wasn't offensive, just a bit risque. I bet the people who were mortified would have no problem with just about anything on TV. It was just the context, that's all.

Anonymous said...

Smiles, and more smiles..and that 'baaaad' brought me plenty of memories, so glad I found you, and just realized I am missing friends. Thank you.