Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Help please

1.Viola silk lace

2 Lilac silk lace

3. Guava Silk lace

4.Blush silk lace

I have had some fabulous Lantern Moon ebony circular knitting needles from V for Christmas, they are beyond stunning and I want some equally stunning yarn to put on them for a shawl. (Probably an icarus as I have yet to find a yarn that I really want for this project)

I have Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket and I know that it is going to be spent at Sundara Yarn. But and here's the thing, what colour?

I think I'll take a vote or something. Click below to give an opinion. Don't worry it is quite safe.
I think it is quite funky really.

What colour yarn to choose?
Free polls from


Lorraine said...

Color is SO personal- but I'm not a pastel person, and I don't think you are either- go with the Viola.

(Pushy mare, aren't I?)

Nicole said...

I had a hard time picking between the Viola and the Lilac... but I really like them all.

Sian said...

I am not a pastel person either Lorraine, I normally go for orange or shocking pink. But Icarus is such a calm and floaty shawl. I tried working it in cherry and it just didn't feel right. And it is nice to have a change sometimes. Just when I think I have made up my mind I change it all over again.

Pilgrim said...

The only term I recognize is shawl so I may not be much of an authority on this Sian. I chose Blush as it's the most muted of the selecxtions.

Next thing you know I'm going to start using terms like Window Treatments. Very scary.

Sian said...

Is a window treatment a cleaning agent of some kind Warren? :D

Ms_T said...

I just love that viola. Good luck deciding, x