Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Five

Friday Fiver

1. Have any road trips planned?
Alabama to Texas baby, yeah!

2. What is out of your reach?
Loads of things. Glasses shelf in my kitchen, pillow cases in my airing cuboard, the back of the fridge. Stars, moon, villanelles

3. Are you more likely to watch a sunset or the sun rise?
Sunrise due to chronic insomnia.

4. What night will you never forget?
Can't remember

5. What's the last thing that made you scream?
Losing a friend...I was a bit upset


Lorraine said...

Sian- For those height-challenged people, why do they build cupboards so high? Is it tall people that install them?
One of life's great mysteries.

Love the picture of your little girl and the kitty!

Clare said...

Great answers. Number 2 with the 'stars, moon, villanelles' is very cool. And your answer to #4 made me laugh. And I'm sorry about your losing a friend in #5. That must have been terrible.

Sian said...

Lorraine, I am five foot nothing so a lot of things are out of reach! And Lily and Zac are a perfect combination. She loves to fuss him and he loves to be fussed.

Clare Thankyou - villanelles are murder, so is loss. But blogging and friendlies in blog space are doing a lot to cheer me up.

Thanks guys :)