Are you bored yet? Well I'm not. These colours are just so gorgeous. Here is my horse banner painted up. I wanted the colours of the Welsh flag, the knots symbolise both the Celtic spirit, its fluidity and concept of eternity and the running horse just speaks to me of freedom and strength, something I am very conscious of when it comes to worship, dance in particular...but don't get me started. I think that is a whole different post.
And another banner that I did last night as a trial run to see how well I could control the run of colour with the gutta (the white stuff used on outlines).
And another banner that I did last night as a trial run to see how well I could control the run of colour with the gutta (the white stuff used on outlines).

Some comparisons
La Tea Da, over at Gracious Hospitality left a kind comment on my previous silk painting post and I would like to assure her that silk painting is not that delicate, well ... not the way I do it! The outlining is a bit fiddley, but the painting itself is a very hotch potch affair and great fun too. My kids really enjoy it.
I don't think I'm through with silk just yet so you'll see a few more pics before all's done and I've run out of silk tissue!
Have a colourful, silky day!
I don't think I'm through with silk just yet so you'll see a few more pics before all's done and I've run out of silk tissue!
Have a colourful, silky day!
I love the way the horse turned out! I couldn't tell from the outline what it would look like when completed... but wow! Very very cool.
(BTW - fun stuff should arrive in 1-2 weeks. Hopefully the mail won't be too slow this time around.)
Looking forward to the fun stuff already!
Is the gutta a wax-like substance that keeps the dye for adhering? Very interesting --- and beautiful.
It is more like glue than wax really and it outlines rather than resists the dye.
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