Yuk, bleaurgh I'm not well at all. Sniffing and snooshing, red nosed and gasping with hayfever on top of a summer cold. Sore throat, itchy eyes and drugged up to the eyeballs. If this is what full medication turns me into then I dread to think what I would be like without it!
So, to take my mind off it, what shall I do? Spinning makes me sleepy, ditto knitting and I don't think I can concentrate enough for cobweb. I could crochet, finish off the simplest sleeve ever but that means I have to take this lovely warm laptop off... well... off my lap rather appropriately. The weather is foul. Grey whistly drizzle swooshing up the valley and I have to go out and pick up Rose in under an hour when I can barely see to drive.
What shall I do? Not dishes, not laundry. It's going to have to be surfing. A spot of retail therapy I think. Nomads have got some very pretty skirts that I've been wanting for some time. And I think, seeing that Woolfest is now definately off, I will pop by Winghams and get some seascape tussah silk that I have been wanting for ages.

silk hankie, colour way seascape
Yup, Woolfest is off. V really didn't like the idea of me going. It is a long way and really what would I get there that I couldn't get over the web? So, save the petrol and spend the money on silk instead. And maybe a poetry book?
That said, I have just remembered that I'm off to Borders tomorrow with my sister. I went on Saturday on my own, but it is really a place for company. I sat on the balcony, on the high seats like barstools, all on my own and talked to myself, but then I laughed out loud at something my imaginary companion said and I realised that I could well become the floor show if I was not careful.
I finished my coffee quickly and slunk off. There is an amazing array of books there and dvd's but was somewhat bemused by the service. I asked a perfectly intelligent looking young chap if Brief Encounter was in stock and he told me the sci fi was over the other side of the store. Understandable I suppose, Brief Encounter came out in1945, but nevertheless possibly the greatest film ever made. I don't know. Still, he didn't look as if Celia Johnson was his type.
I've ordered it since on amazon, should be coming tomorrow. I'll send V out somewhere and sob into my popcorn for doomed love - it is the best weepie in the world, ever so much better than the horse whisperer.
So, that's my day. I'm off now, surf's up!
Get better soon!
Sorry about the trip not panning out, but yay for spending the gas (sorry - petrol) money on silk instead. I think you may have gotten the better end of the deal. What if you'd spent all your yarn budget on travel?
Thanks Nicole, I have been feeling very sorry for myself but silk always cheers a girl up.
That silk hankie has the most beautiful colors -- it totally looks like a shimmering seascape. And the cut of the skirt is lovely -- I really like asymmetrical lines. I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well -- that is no fun at all. I hope you feel better soon. Bookstores always make me feel better, too! Take care.
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