Saturday, April 12, 2008

Of Hats

S-You need a hat.
V-No I don't.
S-You do, your ears almost dropped off on Rhigos Mountain the other day.
V-Fix my black one then
S-I'll ruin it and I don't possess a titanium needle or mammoth hide thimble (leather hats are a bugger to sew don't you find?) What about a flat cap?

(V) Pointless, won't keep the ears warm
(S) We could get one in black
(V)...and I am not becoming a flatcapper, ever
(S) James May wears one...
(V) What's the shortest answer?...NO.

(V) Absolutely not.
(S) Now that would keep your ears warm
(V) Hell, No!

I just got a Withering Look.

V- has a chin strap. It might work, do they have it in black?
S- It will garrote you at 60mph you noodle.
V- No it won't.
S- Of course it will. This is made for horseriders, top speed 30 max. You are nuts.

The conversation descended to nursery level from there. I won't bore you any further.

And as for myself...

I'll go for this one and flog sundry bystanders to death.

Hat pics came from Hats and That.


Pippa said...

Haha. I feel as though I was there!

Sa said...

Thanks for bloggin that, made my day. PS Can i borrow your heat when you not using it, tre nice!

Anonymous said...

SIAN THE MrV IS RIGHT,THAT HAT IS JUST for the SA's Mr and me.and many men i know only thing stopping them are the women.I'll stand up for you boys. All should rebell come on men don't be wimps.see me for medical help when you buy that hat all for one and one for all.

Sa said...

hat rofl not heat

Sian said...

*waving at Pippa* :)


There you have it folks, Dr Pod, the famous anarchist is IN...

Sa: Whew! :D