Silly I know, but I am pleased with this. Normally I don't bother much with the final details but Etsy has taught me that it is the details that are most beguiling. (One of the packages I received from an etsy shop had a wee hard boiled sweetie tied onto the gift tag.) I tucked a little silk lavender bag in the folds of the shawl for lack of a barley sugar. We mostly have soft sweets in our house (less of a choking hazard for the kidlings) and I don't think a claggy lump of semi melted choccie buttons has the same cachet really...
Anyway, if I
ever eventually get an etsy shop, this is a trial run at the presentation - brown paper tied with the yarn with which the item was made, a simple tag and a lavender bag tucked inside the package. What do you think?
I think it's lovely. (I do love ordering from etsy, for the packaging jobs if nothing else.) I think it's simple, understated, and yet oh so nice.
so lovely. get an etsy shop!! i will promise to be a good customer.
how cool
Very lovely indeed. I love that idea. I continue to be in awe of your creativity.
Beautiful packaging, really lovely. Now all you need is to get an Etsy shop! Good luck with it all and eat those chocolate buttons quick!
I also think your pkging ideas for your goodies are simply lovely. Best of luck with the esty shop!
I think I would love you as an auntie! *grin*
FANTASTIC shawl and BEAUTIFULLY wrapped. When you get your etsy shop, you will certainly earn points for presentation. Lovely.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. It means a lot, really it does
Presentation is so important both for food and prezzies. Don't know anything about Etsy but keep up the good work and you will get there.
Just over here on a short migration from magpie files.
looks lovely to me!
I love that packaging. Funnily, I have always been a fan of brown paper, to the point where I have done Christmas in brown paper with tartan ribbons.
The shawl that is going in it is absolutely spectacular as well.
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