If you found this post bewildering, don't sweat it. I found it rather bewildering to write.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Do you dig it?
If you found this post bewildering, don't sweat it. I found it rather bewildering to write.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Patois Story
I sighed and turned from the window and stared around the room. Spotless and laid out ready for the doctors arrival. Hannah sat, apparently unconcerned, employed at her endless sewing. I was too restless, though I did not pace. I just stood and chewed a nail.
This doctor coming today, although new to the area, had an excellent reputation. A Greek, unusual to find one in a country town, but he was skilled ...and expensive. I sighed again.
Reuben was sick of sighing. Reuben was sick of a lot of things and I mourned the loss of the quiet comfort that was once our marriage. For twelve years he had put up with a barren wife. And not just barren, but bleeding and unclean. Twelve years, almost as long as we have been wed.
I was sick with isolation, the Law demanded that I touch no one... not even my husband.
No, it would not be long now before Reuben divorced me and took a new wife, one who could give him children. We loved each other once, we could love each other again. If only...
Hannah lifted her head "Come and sit. Ruining your hands will not bring the Greek any sooner."
I sat beside her, watching the steady pull of the needle through linen. She radiated peacefulness and I envied her.
"What news of little Elizabeth?"
"Nothing good" Hannah replied. "Leah has given up and Jairus is beside himself"
I laid my head on my cousins comfortable shoulder "I am so tired," I whispered.
"I know," she replied. "It will not be long now. Who knows, perhaps this one will be different. Perhaps he will know what to do and you are still young Rachel. You and Reuben may yet have a child."
"Only you, Hannah, would say something like that" I said. "And only you would be able to say that without your words killing me."
Hannah nodded and shifted her weight a little "There is nothing that is beyond our God" she said peacefully.
"You say that" I whispered. "And I almost believe it and then the rabbis look through me and the healers cannot stand to touch me. They take our sacrifices and they take our money and not one of them cares! Not one of them cares about us at all." Tears once more when anyone would have thought that I had none left to give.
A knock and the servant ushered a man in "Lucas the Greek doctor my lady"
I should be used to this, after years of being poked and prodded, leeched, bled, fed foul tasting potions. I should be used to all the whole dragged out procedure. But in fact, it only got worse. Exhaustion flowed through me and I knew that this would be the last time. No more maulings by strangers. No more careless shrugs or pity. Not that this young man had been rough or uncaring, but I could tell by the determined set of his shoulders that he was steeling himself to give me bad news. It was no more than I had expected. This was indeed the last time.
"I can give you no hope lady" his voice was soft and compassionate. "The condition has been established for too long. Had I seen you sooner, perhaps when the symptoms first occurred."
I smiled wryly "Twelve years ago doctor, you were still with your mother, let alone studying medicine in Athens"
The doctor laughed softly, "Sepphoris, lady, and then Rome"
"Rome! What are you doing in a Judean backwater like this?"
He shrugged "Backwaters need doctors too. And this backwater is more interesting than most. Events are occurring that need further study."
"The Nazarene" Hannah whispered.
The doctor refused to be drawn. "The Jews I have found are people of faith. Do you have faith lady?" he asked
"We do." Hannah replied stoutly.
"I do not know" I replied. "Does desperation count?"
He returned my twisted smile "Faith does not come easily to the Greeks. I have little myself, but in time I might find my answers and I might find them with this man from Nazareth. He is travelling this way they say. It would do no harm to seek him to hear him speak. Apparently he has done some remarkable things."
"I cannot leave the house in daylight doctor. The Law forbids it." I whispered
He rose and gathered his things. "I am more sorry than I say that I cannot help you. But as your doctor, I would advise you to wrap up well."
Hannah looked bewildered, but I knew what he meant.
"Goodbye Lucas, may God go with you"
"And with you lady, every step of your journey."
Hannah and I stood as he left the room then faced each other. "Hannah, my dear, will you please fetch me my stole. I think I may pay poor Leah and Elizabeth a visit, then I think I might see what is going on at the market place."
Not the end but many know how that story finishes...
Posted by
4:12 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
In work today...
Me: Righto, I've done the attendance figures, anything else need doing?
Liz: No, don't think so. We need to set out some chairs for the talk that the Vicar is giving the OAP club tomorrow.
Cheryl: What's the vicar like?
Liz: Oh he's very nice, good with the old ladies. He's giving a talk on his mother's jugs.Blank stares from Cheryl and me followed by massive giggles.
In other news, I have been crazy busy in the best of ways. I have been dying most of the day. Silk laceweight yarn, merino laceweight yarn, silk rovings too. (I can't put a picture up just yet but will do so as soon as the camera decides to play nice.) And I am half way through the jewel coloured roving that I bought on etsy back in the end of February before I got ill. I think I must have gone for six weeks without spinning which is not me at all. Anyway, it's good to get the spinning mojo back. I have missed it.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008
Uncle Waldo
Lace weight yarn to dye this afternoon too. And strawberry coloured silk DK to crochet this evening. Life is good.
Posted by
12:42 PM
There are all kinds of bereavement and they all have their own unique kind of pain. One of them I know well. It was nine years ago today that I found out that the child I carried within me had died and whenever I hear that a friend or an acquaintance or even an utter stranger has lost a baby, my heart contracts for them, because I know what they are facing and it is a hellish journey.
Miscarriage is a loss that gets worse before it gets better because each day your body is supposed to be doing something amazing and now it is not. Each day is a day closer to the day that you should have given birth and now that will never happen. It is the loss of a future that will not now come to pass.
And well meaning, but desperately stupid people will say airily - "You can have another!" and you smile and nod and try to be sensible and not scream in their face - "But I wanted that one! Now go away and never open your mouth again as long as you live and if you would care to go and die in a ditch then now would be a good time..."
Then you close down on that momentary madness, offer them a cup of tea and listen to them tell you about their grandchildren. Sometimes people are so dumb...
And then I remember Tim, whose wife was pregnant at exactly the same time as me, who just stood helplessly and looked at me and told me that he did not know what to say. Then gave me a bouquet of white roses and cried with me. Some people, sometimes the most surprising ones, know just what to say...
Nine years (and three beautiful children) later I still remember. I will remember all my life I think.
I am not sad, we all have scars on our heart after all, but I am quiet today.
Posted by
6:29 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
One Single Impression - Flowering
still and smooth as wax
then bursting forth to glory -
a fanfare of lilys
Image from stock photos on web. Other poets are flowering this week at One Single Impression
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: One Single Impression
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Give me those ruby slippers!

What do you think Dizzy?
*click on the pic for link
Posted by
2:28 PM
Latest Bits
These are some shell and crystal stitch markers and a skein of beaded blue faced leicester yarn. Now I have yak to ply and skein up as well as silk to dye. This is fun!
Have a happy, busy day.
Posted by
11:13 AM
Labels: Beads, bits and bobs, knitting, Spinning, yarn
Friday, April 25, 2008
Two Little Monsters
Inspired by all the crazy crafting* that is going on right now Rose went for the play doh and monster making kit that has been languishing in the toy box since Christmas. It took her mind off the pain in her ears and that was a relief for everyone.
We went to Borders today and accidentally met up with Dizzy and Daisy. As the required loony auntie, Dizzy gave Lily her first taste of caffeine in an incredibly sweet and powerful caramel soaked concoction. Lily lapped it up - stimulants -just what the little Molotov needed. Arrgh.
V has just returned from a pool evening with the lads. The highlight of which apparently was watching an extremely tall friend of ours fold himself up to sit in our tiny car. I wish I could have seen that, but V painted a vivid word picture which is still making me laugh.
I have realised that I am too tired to be writing. So I am off to bed. Nos da cariad. Sleep well.
*beaded yarn which is cool and yak bulky (yak down is a bitch to spin btw)
Posted by
9:54 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Spin a Song of Sixpence at Etsy
Utterly remorseless plug I'm afraid, even though there is not much in there yet, but it takes flipping ages to do and I have simply got to go to bed. But I couldn't go without letting you know that I have actually, really, truly done it!!!!
More tomorrow but now I am skipping off to bed like I am six years old on Christmas Eve...
Oh and by the way, honestly, thank you for the encouragement you have all given me right through this blog. It gave me the hwyl I needed to get this thing moving. From my fellow gardener who encouraged me to dream when dreams were in short supply to those who probably unknowingly built me up throughout my black dog episodes and particularly the last few comments on the shawl and gift wrapping only a day or two ago, which really gave me the oomph to give it a whirl in reality. These sometimes tiny seeds of encouragement we sow come to fruition in a harvest of sudden boldness. Right, I'd better go now before I really overdo it!
Posted by
12:50 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
If I had £850 completely spare...THIS is what I would buy. Please do click the link as it is completely beautiful but it is someone else's image and I can't just swipe it.
There I was, driving home from work, thinking quite smugly of how I haven't had insomnia since giving up caffeine. Now, here I sit and have been so since 3 am. Arrgh!
I hope you are all well rested and peaceful.

Oh...and this is for Pippa and all my other Saesneg friends...For Harry and St George and all that jazz :o)
picture from Norfolk Tours
Posted by
4:49 AM
Labels: insomnia
Monday, April 21, 2008
A Bit of a Do...

We had a great time and it was just lovely for the two of us to get away. Good food, champagne, witty company and dancing into the small hours*.
We returned to real life with a bit of a thump however, as all the girls have managed to come down with ear infections and accompanying fever. So as soon as we got home it was blankets and sick bowls. Real life evaporating the evening dresses and cocktails faster than a girl can say "Cinderella."
They are feeling better this morning, though Rose in particular is feeling rather crotchety. No school for a few days. Thank goodness for kids dvds! How did mums manage before the Fimbles on constant repeat?
*virus or no, there is no way I am sitting down when others are dancing!
Posted by
11:45 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
One Single Impression - Colour
gaudy bright or dull
spinning colour though my fingers
threads of bright weaving
for other colourful offerings, check out One Single Impression...
Posted by
10:58 PM
Labels: One Single Impression
Friday, April 18, 2008

Anyway, if I ever eventually get an etsy shop, this is a trial run at the presentation - brown paper tied with the yarn with which the item was made, a simple tag and a lavender bag tucked inside the package. What do you think?
Posted by
10:24 PM
Finished Shawl

We are off on our jaunt tomorrow barring disgusting accidents. I will see you guys Monday, hopefully with beautifully glamorous pictures of our posh do. What fun!
And because I haven't done one in ages...
1. What is heaven?
Heavenly heaven is peace, light, music and reunited loved ones
Heaven on earth is a warm bath and a good merlot, starlight, chocolate almonds, hugging my babies and smelling their hair, oh - and a cup of tea in bed of a morning. That is heavenly.
2. What is older than you?
Anyone or thing over the age of 36. So quite a few things still but less than in previous years :o)
3. Where do you belong?
Wales Always. My heart is there and even though I might live elsewhere in the course of my life, who can say what might happen after all? But Wales will always call me home.
4. Who is no longer a stranger to you?
Funny, I have known some people for years and still do not know them and others you can know by instinct almost immediately. I like that. I like openness in people, it makes it easy to make friends. So I guess the answer to that is - those who have allowed me in and made me welcome.
5. Friday fill-in:
I hear ____. music and there's no one there, I smell blossom and the trees are bare, da da da da da da da da daaaah, I don't know why, I don't know why
*I finish singing because by now I am ducking the boots that the neighbourhood cats are throwing at me*
Have a great weekend.
Posted by
4:46 PM
Labels: crochet, Finished project, Friday five
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Favourite Things
One of my favourite things are books, most particularly children's books. Three children are just an excuse to read the old favourites and find new treasures as I have never grown out of beautiful illustrations and imaginative stories. I have been mulling over this post for a while and here are a few that I have come up with
- The Mousehole Cat - stunning illustrations and a haunting retelling of an old, old story
- Slinky Malinky - hilarious tale with bouncy rhyming text, great fun to read aloud
- The Butterfly Ball - a collection of poetry inspired by the old rendition of the Butterfly Ball
- While You Were Sleeping - a beginners counting book but it is also a gorgeously illustrated gentle tale that is really good for bedtime stories
- Guess How Much I Love You - a classic, possibly my favourite on this list, and ...well, it is just perfect. If you have ever loved a child, this is the one to get.
- The Gruffalo - huge fun to read aloud because of the array of silly voices you can do.
and for older readers 7, 8, or 9 ish
- The Wind in the Willows - Worth it for Chapter Eight alone "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" Good enough to get those old Prog Rockers Pink Floyd to name an album after it.
- Gobbolino the Witches Cat - Been years since I read it but I knew it off by heart when I was a kid. I must look for a copy of it for Rose...

- Ronia the Robber's Daughter was another favourite when I was a little girl. Forests, horses, kobolds and robbers of course, oooh and harpies, yes harpies...coooool. Also by the same author: The Brothers Lionheart, another classic adventure tale.
There we are, got that off me chest, back to crocheting that shawl. On the home stretch now. Finished pics tomorrow!
Blogger and/or 'puter is playing up so links and images are proving difficult to load. I'll have another bash tomorrow but enough to say that all links and images come from amazon uk so if you are interested you're gonna have to search for them yourself until I can get this little mess sorted out.
Posted by
7:23 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Of Shawls

has instead become a beautiful shawl destined for a friend's 50th birthday gift.

I have tons of lace weight but I find it tricky to work with and there was no way I was going to get a lace shawl sorted in a week. But I am almost there with this one. It is worked in double trebles on a 9mm hook so it is a mile a minute affair and this pic was taken after roughly an hours work. Now I only have a few more rounds to do and a border and there we are.
This was done so terribly last minute because only last weekend did I finally believe that we were going to be able to make the party. However, thanks to the Wonderful Sharon, who is having the twins, V and I are off for the weekend on our own for the first time in eight years! Woo hoo! Rose is going to the MIL's as usual and so off we are to a country house hotel, with a super posh birthday bash (black tie and evening gown affair, probably cocktails and champagne too) in Sussex don't cher know... I am trying hard not to look forward to it too much but it is hard work.
So, I've got my frock, V has got the DJ (and rather spiffy he looks in it too) what more do we need? Fine weather and clear A roads for a lid down road trip.
Posted by
3:23 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Breakfast at Bracelet Bay

Posted by
11:46 AM
Labels: happy days
Monday, April 14, 2008
Guess the Impostor...
...If you can meet with triumph and disaster
and treat those two impostors just the same...
from If by R Kipling
Lemon meringue pie, from scratch and from Delia no less... Looks good doesn't it?Yup, still looks good (forgive the wobbles, I was back chatting V who was laughing at me for photographing my food)
mmm, butter...
and no, I didn't put salt instead of sugar in the meringue and the eggs were fresh, just in case you are wondering...
It just tasted terrible.
moar funny pictures
Posted by
1:08 PM
Labels: Cooking
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday Scribblings - Fearless
Once upon a time there was the fairest garden in all the world. Bright flowers danced and the air was sweet with the breath of trees. It was all that one could ever wish for. And safely tucked up together in this wonderful place lived two caterpillars...
Listen and I will tell you.
They were very handsome caterpillars in their way. He was orange and she was lilac which was good as these were the colours that they each liked to look at best. They spent their days curled up together, watching the world's going on and talking as if they would never stop thinking of interesting things to learn of each other. They set each other riddles and rhymes. Spoke of cabbages and kings, dreams and stars - laughing and thrilling to be together. And loved each other with their whole heart's soul.
Sometimes they would give each other gifts. She would go out and bring back sprigs of heaven scented herb that she knew he would like. He would find for her soft petals to lie upon in a mark of such thoughtful beauty that she felt her heart to burst with the joy of knowing him.
Most times though they lay together, just being together. Knowing the other was near. And that was all they needed.
One day a new voice was heard in the garden. It sounded odd. - compelling, but revolting at the same time.
What is that? asked she.
I don't know he said. Stay here, I'll look.
He went out a little way, came back, looking ill.
Well? she asked.
He shrugged. It is fear. He tried to make light of it, but she knew.
What is it doing here? This is our garden.
I don't know...yes I do...It has come for us, he replied.
Well it can't have us, she said indignantly.
He smiled, but said sadly What we want might not come into it.
I don't care! she cried. Tell it to go away
Fear sat outside on a branch, flapping huge brown wings and singing an awful song about eggs.
She shuddered and pressed closer to him I wish it would go away
He smiled at her, soothing, I'll protect you
I know she said simply, I'll protect you too
Thank you he smiled again I know.
They lay, curled up tightly together and listened to fear's horrible song.
Trying to be brave for each other, knowing in their hearts that this could be the end. Dreading losing each other, being torn away. They knew it could happen and never had they loved each other so as when they knew the end of all things sang outside.
Aware as never before of the softness of skin, the dearness of a smile.
I'm sleepy she whispered. You are so lovely and warm.
Come here, he said. Are you comfortable?
I am with you,she replied. There is nothing else. What happens, happens.
You are everything to me, he said. Do you know that?
She laughed softly Of course I do, silly.
He laughed too, secretly amazed that she could laugh at a time like this.
Can we do anything? she asked, reading his mind.
No he replied gently.
Then we see what happens and until then I'll laugh because I have you and fear does not.
She snuggled into him and swiftly fell asleep.
He watched over her. Thoughts lurching round his head. He began to feel a bit light-headed. It was strange, very strange.
He watched, as if in a dream, the dust coloured blanket wrap around them. Unaware that it was he that made it. Wrapping them both in silken safety. Fear could not get them here.
They slept...
They slept for a long, long time and dreamed the wildest, most vivid dreams: of air and movement, bright colour and liquid light, the sweetest scented taste of flowers.
It was the sunrise that woke them. He was sure of it, but she maintains to this day that it was the sound of falling rain. Either way they both agreed that the rainbow that arced across the sky was a beauty.
But what neither of them knew was that the rainbow itself wished for wings as clear and silken as the ones they now carried and carried them where ever they wished to go.
and neither of them cared what the rainbow, or anyone else thought.
They had each other and that was enough.
For other examples of fearlessness check out Sunday Scribblings here
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: Sunday Scribblings
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Of Hats
S-You need a hat.
V-No I don't.
S-You do, your ears almost dropped off on Rhigos Mountain the other day.
V-Fix my black one then
S-I'll ruin it and I don't possess a titanium needle or mammoth hide thimble (leather hats are a bugger to sew don't you find?) What about a flat cap?(V) Pointless, won't keep the ears warm
(S) We could get one in black
(V)...and I am not becoming a flatcapper, ever
(S) James May wears one...
(V) What's the shortest answer?...NO.(V) Absolutely not.
(S) Now that would keep your ears warm
(V) Hell, No!I just got a Withering Look.
V- Hmmmn...it has a chin strap. It might work, do they have it in black?
S- It will garrote you at 60mph you noodle.
V- No it won't.
S- Of course it will. This is made for horseriders, top speed 30 max. You are nuts.
The conversation descended to nursery level from there. I won't bore you any further.
And as for myself...
I'll go for this one and flog sundry bystanders to death.
Hat pics came from Hats and That.
Posted by
10:56 AM
Labels: bits and bobs
Friday, April 11, 2008
Latest Yarn

Description: An ever so slightly heavier version of our silk thread. Still thread-like, just a step up from cobweb.
All measurements are approximate.
Content: 100% Silk
Weight: 3.5 oz / 99g
Length: 1,125 yds / 1,028m
Gauge: laceweight
The picture and above text comes from Blue Moon Fibres
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: Icarus, knitting, retail therapy, yarn
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yes, I know I am hacking on about cake an awful lot these days. Don't worry, it will soon pass off. Only another ten or fifteen recipes to go.
In other news, I have overdone the gardening rather in the last few days. And after hacking, chopping, raking, lugging and burning eighteen months worth of neglect I was naively surprised to find myself a bit below par this morning. Consequently, I have been confined to quarters by the CO, robustly told that I am not to pick up secatuers for at least a week and that he will attempt to master the secrets of the washing machine for the next few days. I am having a holiday folks. Pass me my crochet ...and put the kettle on will you?
Have a snug, cashmerey kind of day.
Update: 2:30 pm
Not content with current project or even the project after that (the fire yarn), I have bought yarn for the third item in my queue and it is here. I am in love.
I ask you, how could I, in my lowered state, resist a yarn that is from the Raven Clan...? Over a thousand yards of laceweight silk gorgeousness coming my way. And it is going to take long enough to arrive for me to finish at least the current project and get well into the second so, no project queue guilt for me. Hurrah!
Posted by
11:37 AM
Labels: baking, crochet, gardening, retail therapy, yarn
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Yesterdays Drive

Have a happy, sunlit day.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Labels: happy days
Monday, April 07, 2008
Yesterday was

100g butter at room temp
100g caster sugar
2 large eggs (beaten)
100g self raising flour
nutella or other chocolate spread.
to decorate
100g dark chocolate
100ml double cream
blanched hazelnuts (optional)
Beat the butter with sugar until pale and fluffy, then beat in the egg a little at a time. Fold in sifted flour. (I add a little salt and a teaspoon of baking powder here). Drop a generously heaped teaspoonful of the mixture into each paper case and then make an indentation in the middle of each little dollop with the handle of a teaspoon. Drop a little nutella or other chocolate spread into the indentation and cover carefully with some of the remaining cake mixture. Bake for 15 - 18 mins (it depends on our oven really) until risen. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
To decorate.
Put the broken chocolate in a heat proof bowl. Heat the cream until almost boiling, then pour over the chocolate and leave to stand for a few minutes. Stir until smooth and creamy (if you are anything like me there will come a point where it looks terrible and you think that it has all gone wrong, trust me keep stirring and it works just fine) Leave to cool for about twenty minutes for it to thicken a little then spread over the cakes.
You can sprinkle a few chopped hazelnuts over if you like. I didn't because of a choking hazard if a small one nicked what is really quite a grown up tasting cupcake. These really are tiny deaths by chocolate... but they are a sublime way to go.
Today, instead of a return to school for the younglings and a quick jaunt over Crynant mountain in the car for the oldies (including a thermos of cocoa like the old farts we are tuning into), it is inset day or "insect day" as Rose calls it. I will always remember the last time I forgot inset day and turned up at the school gates (late I add, lest you think that I am a complete moron) to find the teachers holed up in their staff room sipping extra strength coffee, eating biccies and pretending to do extra training. I sloped off, disconsolate children in tow, and I'm certain the teachers had a good giggle. Anyway I am spending the last day of hols sorting out uniform and kit which I should have done days ago. Laundry anyone?
Have a calm and organised day won't you? Go easy on the cupcakes though.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Labels: baking