Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Camel down and tussah silk. I haven't set the spin yet and I am in two minds as to whether I should dye it. I mean, I probably will because fawn is not my colour and I want to make a shrug for myself out of it. On the other hand I don't want to spoil it and as I am almost a complete novice at dying there is ample opportunity for me to foul it up.
I am super chuffed with the ply on it too. I am not very good at plying generally, as I am usually in too much of a hurry to finish the yarn, stupid of me I know. But I concentrated hard and it took me ages, maybe an hour and a half.
So I'm off to get some white vinegar today (as well as the usual groceries) and maybe tomorrow I will have a go at getting it in the dyepot. Which reminds me, I need to get a dyepot too (a big saucepan that is all).

On other news, it is half term and Rose has managed to go down with tonsilitis of all things so she is floppy and wan, mooching about the place. Eden has a particularly juicy cough but is quite happy as usual. Lily is fine - the tiniest of the three and tough as boot leather.

Well, sitting here typing butters no eggs. It is a beautiful day outside. I wonder what I am going to do with it?
Hope you have a bright sunshiny day too.


Amanda said...

That is gorgeous work! That yarn will be a treat to knit. I wouldn't worry too much about dyeing it. I've found that as long I don't have any firm ideas about what I'm trying to create and I stop just before I go too far I'm usually really happy with the results.

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Anonymous said...

sian you can't dye that yarn it's to nice. keep it for another day, you will be kicking yourself. take it from me,been there, done it then cryed.in my case paint or pastels and ink and more.St Poddy

Sian said...

Amanda: Nice to see you again :)I think the problem is that I have no idea of what I am doing!

POD: I'm going to have to take my chances or else I will just have the yarn sitting around. I want to use it as well as having had the fun of spinning it.
But I will bear your advice in mind and try to stop before it goes haywire :D