I so love the internet: it is coming up on midnight and I have just bought half a pound of fibre from half way round the world. How? The fell word for craft addicts across the 'verse - Etsy. Etsy is fun and a great way to kill an hour but I have never seen anything that has made me want to part with my cash when I have Winghams only up the M6 (Okay, it's in Yorkshire but still a heck of a lot closer than pond hopping innit?) But They Told Me Sew was just too much. I was boasting to V only the other day that I have not bought any wool or spinning stuff so far this year (okay, I have bought dye, silk and silk paints, but hey they are not my number one habit so they barely count eh?)

But, honestly, look at these and then tell me that you wouldn't have bought them too...

south dakota is about 2 miles west of lands end i can see the colors of the sea in the yarns.greens of seaweed,blues of warm south seas,yellows of the sun,oranges of coral.browns and reds of sea urchin's,gold and bronze of sunken treasure,cobalt of silvery white that you see when shoals of fish dart about.summer colors.go for it Mrs V. enjoy your craft.
Every now and then you put these little posts in that remind me how lame you can be. :p xx
Sian- If it was being shipped to Canada- a mule train would be faster- Canada Customs is brutal. I'm sure you'll have it in less than 2 weeks.
The only reason I wouldn't buy it is I'm not a spinner, but even so.
Etsy is very dangerous.
Pod: Remind me not to phone you as a friend when the geography questions come up. But not bad on the poetic stuff, you sly dog, talk about lights and bushels...
Cyril: LOL!! Love you babe x
Lorraine:I've seen the snow you lot are getting still. If I were a mule I wouldn't poke my head out of my stable door until May at least!
Waiting is fun in a sick kind of way but at least there is Etsy to while the time away :)
I'm an Etsy fanatic myself.....I love that place!!
Jessica: I kind of thought you would be a fan :)
South Dakota... just the midwestern usa, yeeehaw! What, they have pretty yarn there? Besides potatoes and rednecks? *grin*
so what will you make with these lovely colors?
Technodoll: I am not sure to be honest. Sometimes the possessing is all I need :)
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