A limerick on time... not easy at all so I tried being a smart donkey* and came up with this.
Parsley sage rosemary and thyme,
gently sung, make a recipe fine,
but due to the stress
instead we possess
nasty rage because we've no time.
Talk about awkward. Did anyone spot the Simon and Garfunkel thing going on? I found this prompt very, very difficult. So for better examples, check out Mad Kane's Prompts here.
On other news: There is no more dancing for me for some time. My foot is absolutely stuffed for anything and it is very annoying. The ache is constant and I think it is that which is bringing me down. I can't spin because it aggravates the tendon so you can imagine what walking does to it and it is amazing to me how many times I go up and down stairs each day. One of those things you don't notice until it becomes an inconvenience.
Oh and Rose woke me up last night with a nightmare about her school problems. So that is another thing that needs to be addressed and sharpish. I figure when a kid starts having nightmares about school the problem is only escalating. ^%$*&")* school! And I don't know what to do...
Coffee and painkillers for me I think and it has to be knitting and a good calming CD on pronto.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Go and dance for me will you?

Coffee and painkillers for me I think and it has to be knitting and a good calming CD on pronto.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Go and dance for me will you?
*C'mon, you know what I am talking about.
I like that. It exactly captures a shared experience, to say the least!
sian sorry that you are still in pain.i know what it's like to walk with pain in my feet. and with the girls you need to get around to look after the needs of the family.where i can rest only myself to look after.with Rose i know it's hard work at the school to get them to do something,other than give you a stock answer.tell them that they have one week to sort it out or you will keep Rose home until it's sorted.and pray about it.will be praying.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear your still having those problems.....I hope it heals up for you.....NOW!....did that work....prolly not :)
Hey Sandy and thankyou...way to go with ODB btw :)
Pod: am glad you are praying - thanks
Jessica: A bit of faith is all that's needed :)Thankyou my dear.
Sian- With children, there's always something. I'm sorry she's having a hard time.
As for you, maybe you need to take it easy, although I know that's really hard to do.
I'll be thinking about you. (I can't dance for beans!)
I picked right up on the S and G thing you had going. Now as for your limerick I have to say: Roses are red violets are purple, that was better than maple surple. Ok I am no poet sorry.
Thanks for joining in on my latest prompt, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
By the way, your current condition may very well give you some inspiration for the prompt I have planned for this Friday. So please stay tuned. :)
Don't forget to post your link to your time verse on Mr. Linky!
Lorraine: I would love to take it easy...put the kettle on, I'm coming to hide at yours. *maniacal giggling* They'll never think to look for me in Canada.
PS. Every one can dance :)
Greg: LOL! Someone once told me practise makes perfect and that is good advice :D Keep at it!
Mad: Thanks for your good wishes. I am off to have another hack at Mr Linky now, he wasn't playing earlier.
Oh how I love limericks! only second to cat haiku, LOL!
I missed how you injured your foot - is it serious?
Children should not have nightmares about school, that's reserved for univerity time! sigh.
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