Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Easily the cheesiest sappiest sugarfest song in the entire 'verse. It is my absolute favourite love song ever, but this is the only time I will admit that in public and only in honour of St Valentine.

Today is also my darling V's birthday and in honour of my own St Val, here is something a little bit more in our style. (You can take a girl out of the Eighties, but you can't take the Eighties out of the girl...)


Anonymous said...

sian it takes me back to when men were men. and men had a club in his hand and a cave to sit in front of.very good music.St Poddy

Greg C said...

I actually like that song Sian. Am I sick?

Sian said...

Pod: Nothing wrong with a club, just don't hurt yourself.

Greg: Perhaps you are tripping? :D It's a girly song dude! (I mean that in a nice way of course)