Friday, February 29, 2008

Blue String Pudding

Don't worry about the title, it's a Clangers thing. (They ate blue string pudding). Cashmere makes for very posh string though. I bought this yarn a good while ago and I was pleased with it but somehow over the months the colour faded to denim rather than violet. So in a fit of bravery I plunged it in the dye pot this morning. I am waiting for it to cool but so far it seems to have exhausted the dye bath well. More pics tomorrow when it has dried.

The weather here is frankly vile. Sheets of rain and bloomin' cold, that nasty bitey achey damp cold when the wind chills you to the bone. We have the fire blasting out and it is still not warm enough for my liking. I'm off to get a wooly pulley* and spending the rest of the afternoon cutting up magazines a la Pippa for a collage with the children. I bought Rose a journal this morning so we shall have fun this afternoon.

Hope you have a fun day too.

* a sweater, in case you're wondering


Anonymous said...

that color will come out great you will like it. do Mr v's hair with the rest and don't forget the Mr, saw someone in church last week, a male? dyed black.?????

Technodoll said...

Do most people in your neighborhood have fireplaces to ward off the cold damp weather? If not, then they should - can't imaging a better medecine (besides laughter) :-)

Sian said...

Pod: V dyed his hair blue years ago. It was a Gary Newman thing...

Technodoll: Yup most people in my street have real fires still. Though I think solid fuel central heating is getting rarer in UK. I wouldn't change for aything though. Fires make a room super cosy.

Anonymous said...

sian who is gary newman must be before my time.only kidding.who is gary newman.yes remember him well.around the time of punk but he was a smart dresser thin with black hair.Mr V would run rings around him.dare for MR V dye his hair. would like to see derry and chris faint.bye