Just this second I have seen a hummingbird. With my own two eyes, a hummingbird in Sadie's garden. Amazing! It was tiny, about the same size as a wren, emerald green with a cotton white throat, sipping at a rose. Who needs fire flies when there are humming birds to be had?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tennesee ii
The following day, yesterday in fact but I am writing this at 2 am my time so bear with me if I get confused... anyway... We were due back in Huntsville and off we went until I saw the sign for the Jack Daniels distillery. Could not pass it without taking a look, even though I don't drink it regularly, it is very good in cocacola. So we drove off the track a bit (it had to be at least forty miles out of our way) and visited...only to find that the tour involved an hour of walking over ground unsuitable for push chairs. Neither of us fancied carrying the girls for that length of time so we passed, but I did not leave empty handed...Come on, do you think I would not buy an award winning whiskey when it was right under my nose? Besides the pound is so strong to the dollar right now...etc etc. V forked out uncomplaining I toddled off a happy girl, Lily on one hip, JD on the other. Can you tell I'm a Christian by the way?
The town of Lynchburg was only a few hundred yards away from the distillery and despite its rather suspiciously nasty name or am I the only one that thinks "mob" when they hear that? It is a charming place. A proper small town America/Waltons type place. It even had an old guy sitting on a rocking chair on the side walk (raised and wooden, so Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!) I think the town council must pay him to sit there just for the tourists, of which there were many. Yes it was a tourist trap, but hey, it was so cute, who cares!
First stop...the Country Kitchen with an eat all you like lunch buffet. Fried chicken, mashed potaotes, green beans, rice, and amazing sweet sauce. Went back for second helpings, hush puppies (not the shoes, a kind of battered burger) fried squash and broccoli. Eating for fun I was
...and I had pudding Apple and pear cobbler and I swear I have never in my life tasted anything so good. The top was like a kind of heavy batter, the fruit had been canned in syrup and was achingly sweet and parts had caremelised. So, so good. It will tell you how sweet it was that when I took a sip of coke after a bite, the drink was surprisingly bland. Oh dear me. I resisted second helpings even though I wanted some very much. I contented myself with a cup of Blue Bunny butter pecan ice cream. The girls had strawberry and mint choc chip. V just stared in awe at his womenfolk demolishing the food like a plague of locusts. He had restrained himself to the catfish. I had tried catfish at the Gulf and had no difficulty sticking to the fried chicken.
Off then around the stores. Found a few pressies, yay! And best of all I wandered into a co operative store of the ladies of the county and found myself a Little House on the Prarie bonnet. Just like Elizabeth Ingalls wears at the start. I have no idea where I will wear it, but I have wanted one since I was a child. Hurrah! I will wear it to spinning demonstrations...the other guild members will have a fit. Neve mind, it's a laugh innit?
Back in Huntville now but tomorrow off to Osark, where ever that is. Todd and Steph have been grounded in Oklahoma due to bad weather and are driving back tonight, a twelve hour drive apparently. I think they are nuts, but they really want to go to Osark.
From Osark it is off to Atlanta and home on the 3rd so, this might be the last post from me for a while. Unless there is a 'puter at the cousin's house. But maybe not, so if not...see you in Blighty!
Take care of yourselves
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
6:58 AM
Labels: America
Well, it was only two nights but what a trip! First we had to find our way out of Huntsville. Managed that relatively painlessly. North we go. Booked into a Red Roof Inn which is like the motorway motels in the UK only with a pool that is actually warm.
Nashville that evening, took the kidlings and high expectations. We were there oooh ten minutes...broadcasting tourist on FM and medium wave. I am amazed we were not mugged immediately. Two tramps/panhandlers/beggars later and I have realised all over again why I loathe cities. We persevered however and heard several street singers. The Oprey was shut :( and the kids were getting crotchety. I voted back to the hotel and have a go the following day with daylight and energy to back us up.
The following morning however, we found a tourist leaflet advertising Mansaker Station, a little north east from Nashville and so off we went. Neither of us being able to resist a living history tour. And man it was great. The guide (Bill Maddocks - very informative and sweet too) really knew his stuff and was interested in all historical stuff, including Cordell. He was a carpenter and man of all work about the place. He was in charge of the fort area. I would call it a stockade. Wooden defenses and huts inside. There were detailed props of frontier living in the late 1700's and it was fascinating.
Off to the Cracker Barrel for lunch and I ate until I was about ready to pop. Beef stew, mashed potatoes, turnip greens, fried okra (They were V's but he didn't like them) biscuits and corn bread muffins which were fabulous. No room for pudding which was a shame as there was apple dumpling but a girl has got to know her limitations...
Back to the fort and then onto the house built eight years later than the station but far more civilised in feel obviously. And the lady there (Miss Laura) was a spinner! She used a double drive wheel and she was very good to chat to. Really made me want to get back to the spinning I had left behind ! There was a walking wheel on display in the house but neither she not I knew how to work it so we both remain in ignorance as yet.
Quiet evening in the hotel. Kids worn out from the heat and playing in the dirt just like any frontier brat. Great fun.
Posted by
6:39 AM
Labels: America
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Nashville here we come
So see you guys in a few days, there is probably internet connection at the hotel, but I don't know for sure. I will probably have a good few yarns to tell you all anyway.
Posted by
5:36 PM
Labels: America
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hey, just realised I have been nominated for a rocking girl blogger award by Amanda. Thanks a lot! So I get to put one of those cool pink buttons up. Yay!
Of course now I have to think of people to pass it on to and there are few blogs that I read that don't already have them. So I will have to think about it.
Sara of course because she is such a good friend and is an amazing person all told really. She has only been blogging for a short while but she has a way with words for certain.
I will have to think of the others. Patios has one already, so does Empire Girl, Nicole and Angora...this is going to be difficult. I think the Sheriff has one too... No, there is no badge up, so The Sheriff, her blog is great fun to read...knitting, design, teenagers and a creatively bad tempered cat. Cool
Clare at Sunflower Sky! I nominate her cos she is a lovely person, always leaves friendly and encouraging comments and she is a talented poet and photographer too.
Posted by
3:32 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Tired Girl...
Posted by
2:26 AM
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Off Again!
Posted by
2:06 PM
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Quiet Day
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6:00 PM
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We have moved again!
Posted by
3:11 AM
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Life's a Beach
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4:29 PM
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Orange Beach
Is not orange...
It is white, like snow. The sand is powder, the sky a hot turquoise and there are brief brave tufts of sea grass poking through where it can.
The houses here are almost all built on stilts and are painted in ice cream colours. There are palm trees and terns strutting their stuff on boardwalks and the sun is pouring down. It is even a bit warm for me!
The beach house is a large open plan bungalow, cool with tiled floors. The yard is sandy, though somehow the owner has managed to coax a lawn to flourish in the front and there are handsome olive trees growing in the back.
Today the Preselys and the Hills parted company for the day. So, left alone in America for the first time we tried to visit a mega mall that is near by but instead managed to get terribly lost and went round in circles for at least two hours. We stopped for lunch, lemonade and massive hamburgers doing a lot to cheer all the grumpy females in the car. In fact I did not have a beef burger I had...get this...a bison burger. I kid you not!
I thought, I've spun bison down, I might as well see what they taste like too, so there you are, my culinary adventure for the day. I have to say that the first half was very tasty, but the second started to taste quite liverish so I struggled to finish rather, but I got there. I've eaten bison. Now that's not something every Welsh girl can say.
Signing off for now but I am in Orange Beach library typing this. So now I know it is here and it is within walking distance I belive I will try and get back tomorrow if I can
'til then...take care of yourselves my loved ones
nos da Cariad
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: America
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sorry for radio silence...
We disappeared suddenly to a cabin in the woods. It was stunning. And no Internet...how did I cope for three days without it? I don't know, it's all a bit of a blur. But seriously, we had a lovely time fishing and paddling in a boat on the lake, just messing about in boats as Ratty would say.
We are out now and have been speaking at a church in White House Fork, I think it is called. We are at the pastors house now, chilling out after a humungus lunch at an eat all you like buffet. V had three helpings of fish and creamed sweet potato. It was good. I had a steak so big it was hanging off the edge of the plate,I had sweet potato too but mostly stuck to salad and fruit or else I am going to be as wide as I am tall coming home...
People here are really sweet, so generous and funny. Steph and I are doing a women's conference this evening so woo hoo baby, lets see where this one goes.
We are having a ball here. I am high on friendly atmos and heat. It is a pleasant 80 s out. Love it, love it...
Don't know what the internet access is going to be for the next few days so I'll see you in about another four days when we a re back in Huntsville if not before.
We are travelling further south tonight to a beach house, how glamourous that sounds! Sunglasses and bikini for me, who knows, I might come back with a little bit of a tan!
Posted by
9:48 PM
Labels: America
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
In a Cavern...
Now Todd has changed channels and we have found bluegrass Gospel...yee haw!
You might guess that I have copied this from the rather jiggety longhand that I wrote in my journal on the way to the caves...
The caves hold several world records, largest cave mouth, tallest stalagmite, highest frozen waterfall and I think the highest ceiling, but don't quote me on that one. Though one of the cave rooms we were in measured as high as a twelve story building.
The way was wide and well paved, we took the strollers down there no problem. The guide was unfortunately soft spoken, so we missed quite a bit. But the actual cave room that the caves get their name from is just stunning. I took a few photos, but they just didn't do it justice. Got some postcards to send to Rose's school instead.
On the way out I got a "cave kiss" which is a drop of cold water from the ceiling and is considered to be good luck, as opposed to a "bat kiss" which is warm and is not good luck at all!
Afterwards we sat in a log cabin type porch affair, warming up. It was cold in there and at our deepest we were 240 feet below ground, so the comparison is not surprising really when you think that it is 104 degrees out here!
There is every chance that we will finally be able to visit the neighbourhood pool this evening. I think we will all enjoy that.
It is now 9.20 pm with you
Thinking of you
Nos Da cariad
Posted by
8:58 PM
Labels: America
Space Odessey 2007
But I tried out some kind of lunar command module. For such a small space, these astronauts have got to be big chaps. I fitted quite nicely in the cockpit, but I couldn't reach the ceiling switches nor the foot rests. Another career nipped in the bud. I am too short to explore space :(
The Girls and I tried out a special scales that told us how much we would weigh on different planets. I can't remember how much we would weigh on Mars but on the moon the girls would weigh 8.5 lbs each and I would weigh 17lbs. A bit far to go to lose weight I think. Though some people I know would think it worth the effort I am sure!
Dash home then to be ready in time for some friends of Todd and Steph to come for dinner. Miss Sadie made Southern fried chicken, squash, beans, corn on the cob and collards to eat with Banana pudding and/or lemon meringue pie for dessert. I am telling you, I am eating for fun out here, something I rarely do, but the food is too good to stop eating just because you are full. I can see I am going to have to have a fruit and salad day soon just to give the system a rest or else I'll be going home with gout!
Buffi and Mark were very friendly, fun people who have just adopted a little Chinese girl and it turns out that Buffi is a blogger too. So I will be popping over sometime soon. Come along and check out the voyage that is adopting from a foreign country with Sadies Journey Home. (link up soon)
Despite some truly magnificent mosquitoes, the kids played in the pool until it was almost dark. It is in the low 80's here at about8.30 pm. All this and banana pudding too.
Hope you guys are weathering the gales alright. I hope my house still has a roof... Anne, if it is convenient, would you drive up there sometime this week and check on Zac for me please? Thanks a lot.
See you guys, hope you are all okay
Nos da cariad
Posted by
2:15 AM
Labels: America
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Posted by
3:33 AM
Labels: America
Big Sky and Silence
Well as silent as you can get when there are six children in one house, which is not very. But still I was silent most of the day. We have had a big week, there is no doubt and invitations to speak are starting to come in gratifyingly busily. I just felt the need for a quiet day. The internet has been playing up rather so contact may be a bit dodgy for the next day or two. Annoying is an understatement, but there you are.
Went for a walk this evening with three youngest while men and three eldest went to see live music in a park. Sounded like fun but something of a crush. I preferred my walk
See you
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
2:51 AM
Labels: America
Monday, August 13, 2007
Desperately Seeking Sara
Found you you daft bat! Talk about hiding...I had to track you down through comments and ID's
Still got you now. Hurrah!
Check out The Vertiginous Princess
(my name, just bestowed)
love you
x have fun in soggy West Wales!
Posted by
4:42 PM
Labels: America
The Cyril War
Sounds dodgy mun! Glad ew having a good time SianyWany! :)
Sgonna be weeeurd not having any buntings or Elvis's children in church tonight. But it's OK cuz i've got my OUTRAGEOUS shoes to keep me amused ;P
urrrrram, what else?
well u won't see me ever again for three reasons
1-A Levels on Thursday, has been entitled the day of doom and peril and torture and death.
3-We lost 62-5 to England :(
Tarra Tarra!
You would hardly think that this delightful young man is in line for straight A's in his exams and is both thoughtful and articulate :)
He'll hate me saying that lol
I am sure that this post will inspire him to new depths of creativity...and I still will not post them up until he plays nicely :)
Love you darling
ps. wait until your mother reads this, your donkey is grass my lad...
Posted by
3:01 AM
Labels: America
Sunday, August 12, 2007
What Siani Did Next
9.15 here about 3 am with you
Have had a truely awesome day. The service was great, the songs were strange but the feel was wonderfully similar. I danced, V sang. They prayed for us, the kids went to Sunday school and then I spoke for a little while about Wales as I said I would. Anthony sang Hen Wlad fy Nadai and one of his own. The congregation was very generous to us.
The Steph got up and spoke a little leaving the field clear for Todd who gave a socking good sermon about being transparent before people so that God is clear in our lives.
We prayed for people and it was just wonderful, I think just about everyone wanted to speak to us afterwards. The most remarkable being a half cheyenne/cherokee lady who was interested in first peoples. She had married a man whose family hailed from Raglan and she was delighted when I described the castle to her, she almost could not believe me when I told her that I had visited it several times.
People were so very kind. Have I said that I love it here, but I guess it is easy when one is being made such a fuss of. Still, it is fun...
Then we went to Joel's house. He is the pastor of the church and man did we eat. Beef, chicken, stuffing, gravy, beans, peas, a pasta salad, rice, and a hugely mad jello salad. Yes! Seriously, jello salad! Oh my gosh... It was pale opaque green and it had grapes and cherries in it. The kids loved it but I had a dickens of a job actually getting them to give it a go...It was quite nice actually but probably on the weirder side of American cuisine!
The house is set in ten acres of grass and woodland. After lunch I went for a walk with some of Todd's cousins. I saw massive pine cones, a bluebird feather, poison ivy, sassasfras tree, from which they make root beer and muscadang vines. It is spent muscadine but they call it muscadang. The feather and the sassasfras are going in Rose's journal. I was told about coyote, snakes, raccoons ( I'd love to see one - cute little bandit faces) and assorted bugs. They had a pretty good joke on me about leaping roaches, mercifully short but fun while it lasted. I was truely horrified...roaches that jump at you, can you imagine? But they assured me that they were joking when they saw how revolted I was. They did however, find for me a goliath beetle (dead thankfully) and some kind of giant ant (very much alive but a scurrier not a scuttler so that was okay). The Goliath beetle speaks for itself, I took a photo, and the giant ant was too fast for me to catch on camera but he was a brilliant scarlet with tips of black. Very dramatic but not as dramatic as its bite, which is quite something apparently.
Then we sat on the porch swing and drank iced tea in the clear heat of a fading afternoon. We watched the kids play on the tree swing and rested, fanning ourselves. We talked about Harper Lee whose hometown is not terribly far from here, blue grass music and hypo-glycemia. Nothing like an eclectic conversation to round the day off in a pleasant manner.
Tired now, had the second shower of the day and despite two cups of coffee, I am ready for bed and 9.45 pm! Honestly, what a lightweight!
Todd has to check his e mail now so I'm being evicted from the 'puter. So hope you are sleeping well, see you tomorrow. Love you guys.
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
4:00 PM
Labels: America
Scuppernongs are not the only fruit...
It was cooler today, 98 degrees rather than 102. (!) Today we went to a farmer's market. Cowbridge it was not, cataracts of tomatoes, peppers, watermelons larger than cannonballs, squash of every size and description from huge sweet potato squash to the pretty little patty pans, dainty in shades of buttercup and cucumber. There were pickling cucumbers, home made preserves, tiny figs and shiny baby plum tomatoes, aubergines larger than I have ever seen. Just the sight of all this produce got the gastric juices going. I felt very happy wandering around picking up these good things grown in such fierce heat and light. I knew they would taste wonderful. So we had ratatouille tonight for dinner with roast chicken and noodles. And strawberries and melon, grapes... and scuppernongs.
The latter has a pretty story attached actually. I was just looking at these strange fruit and a kind looking elderly lady came up to me and asked me how I would say the word. I told her that I had never seen them before and of course she picked up on my accent. She knew I was Welsh straight away! Her husband had been in the military and had been stationed there for some time but the name of the place escaped her. We chatted and I told her how much I was enjoying my stay here. You know me, when I enjoy something it kind of beats off me in waves doesn't it? She was delighted that I was so thrilled with everything and she invited me to taste one of these scuppernongs, (such a charming word, I can't stop writing it). They were very tasty and I told her so, she was so pleased that I was pleased that she bought some and gave them to me as a little present!
How can you fail to enjoy a country where complete strangers are so generous?
Miss Katie, you will never read this, but thank you once again. You are sweet.
Off now to give the kids a bath. Church tomorrow, lunch out, visiting with the pastor (an uncle of Todds) and generally doing the social pretty. Best bib and tucker and that means shiny angelic (looking) children...It is just about half eight at night here, gone 2 am with you. Sleep well...we are all fine here.
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
1:49 AM
Labels: America
Mum is shrieking at me because she wants Nanna and Daddo to see this as well. I told her that I can get a connection up at their house and then she starting freaking out that I was stealing an Internet connection! lol You can't please some people, but you could always start by being legal about things...
I can just imagine V laughing about that if he reads this. Yes
Well, it didn't rain at all when we were in the Cotswold's. It was amazing! No rain in Blighty, that is amazing... I want to go back. Henry IV was good, we went to see it in Stratford-upon-Avon. We also got to see a street entertainer by the name of MAGIC STEVE! cool
Dad stunk out the kitchen with the cheese that he bought, and Tom surprised me by creeping into my bed in the middle of the night one time.lol He'll never live it down!
There were a lot of things to do there, table-tennis, pool, and there was an arboretum (i think that's how its spelt) Spell checker?
Me and mum are going to go get Freya now so I'll be off.
x Give my love to them all won't you? When are your results out? Let me know okay?
Posted by
1:22 AM
Labels: America
Friday, August 10, 2007
To See a Mockingbird...
On the way back we saw a mockingbird, never seen one before. Spent the rest of the trip quoting Harper Lee at just about anyone who would listen. Mocking birds are so cute. A little larger than a thrush but the same bobbing tail and flight as a wagtail, same kind of pied pattern too. It almost of made up for the fact that we are in the wrong season for fireflies. I so wanted to see them but Todd was pretty dismissive of the chance of getting to see any. I'm not giving up hope yet though.
The rest of the day has been spent getting the rental car. A hoofing great big Cadillac, oh my! And the silly suckers have insured me to drive it too! It is an automatic which is bad enough (automatics always seem possessed to me, I was permanently fighting the only one I ever drove as it always seemed as if it wanted to pull out of junctions on its own) But it is also roughly the same size as a minibus. It is the biggest blinking car I have ever seen. V loves it.
Anyway, so the plans for this evening includes me pottering around the back streets in a caddi, yeah baby! *thinks fiercely* On the right, on the right... And possibly watching Gregory Peck in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Now if I can only find a recipe for mint julep and I'm a happy girl.
It is 4.55 pm here so it must be close on eleven with you. Hope y'all are doin' just fine.
love you guys.
Nos da Cariad
Posted by
6:26 PM
Labels: America
What Siani Did
It was a wonderful few hours of sharing my country with people who probably will never see it. To try and sum up my culture in an hour...hard work really but you know me, when I get talking it takes a shovel on the back of the neck to get me to shut up! I talked the hind leg off a donkey. Storytelling, music, the bardic tradition, the conquest by the Normans, the Rape of the Fair Country, the Poll Tax riots in the 80's and the general political apathy that afflicts the UK in general...I talked for Britain, quite literally.
But hey, they asked me right? Like I'm going to play the shrinking violet...that's not why I'm here! So I talked Wales up, I talked COTM up and I had a really good time doing it.
So, so far, it's been good.
The mall today was weird. We went in and it was rather like any mall in the UK really. Bright, cool etc but the shops were a little funkier. They were playing Talk Talk and REM on the music system so I felt right at home. We had a Ben and Jerrys half way through the marathon. Never had Ben and Jerrys before. I think mine was called cherry garcia and I had a latte, so sugar, fat and caffeine and I was good to go for the rest of the afternoon. Jeepers I was full after that! But what was weird was that there I was, feeling right at home, then we stepped out of the cool into this wave of heat and I saw a car go by with a driver on the wrong side and this peculiar sense of dislocation came over me. I don't think we are in Cymru anymore Toto!
I am now shopped out. Sara I got you the Yankee candle tarts, you didn't specify a fragrance so I got you a selection and I cannot get your blog up sweetie, have you given me the correct address? I want to see how you guys are doing.
Take care my darlings. Still a long time to go before I see you again but we are having fun and the girls really love the warmth and the cooking. You should see Lily pack the grub away, you won't recognise her when the little lard ball gets back home!
Nos da Cariad x
Posted by
2:27 AM
Labels: America
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Baby it's hot outside!
I was made for warmth like this I tell you. My body has reverted to the Malawi zone effortlessly. Poor V is hanging in there, but he ain't a natural like me.
Today we are off to the mall. Need more clothes and a decent handbag and a hat, cos it is hot. Have I said that already? Even the folk that live round here are commenting on how warm it is. Apparently they are in a drought situation and the weather is more like July. I don't care. I am catching enough warmth to see me through a Welsh winter...shuddering at the thought of the mist and clouds that will shroud our valley and then I look outside and the ferns and glittering leaves and the paddling pool which is warm now in the heat. Daddy, why did we leave Africa?
Anne, this is the life baby. We have to keep the door closed to keep the warmth out! And the crickets and tree frogs are chirping like mad all the time. You would love it, it's just you. I am loving enough for the both of us though. But I wish you were with me...mint juleps all round. Shame the house is tt ( and the fact I don't know how to make a mint julep, but you know what I mean)
Hope you are enjoying the soggy Cotswolds and Henry V, and to coin a phrase, once more into the breach dear friends once more... I'm off into the freeze of an air conditioned mall. I think I'll take a cardi!
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: America
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Day Two
Posted by
7:42 PM
Labels: America
Journey Out
16:20 finally boarded the plane. The twins fell asleep almost immediately, all cosied up in their baby traps (car seats, inconvinient to carry but almost worth the hassle).
16.40 Take off! Twins slept through it, I hung on for grim death and laughed at myself the whole time. Didn't let go of the armrest though!
20.40 Half way across the Atlantic. Altitude 34000 feet. We are just below Greenland. Handy little computer map embedded into the head rest of each seat before your very eyes. The kids are quite happy, Lily is playing with a hair band. Honestly, here I am loaded up to the gunwhales with toys, crayons, books etc. They have cartoons on continuous replay and they are playing with a hair bobble!
There is a little turbulence but its not bad. It is rather like being on a train..
Just under four hours to go before we land. We are now flying over New Found Land. All that I know about that is the poem that John Donne wrote.
"Oh my America, my New found land"
Quite a sexy one if memory serves correctly. Is New Foundland sexy? The dogs are built like bears I know that.
Don't worry the altitude is getting to me I think...
...1840 miles to go. Good grief, whose idea was this?....Mine
Static has turned me into a Vulcan. (now there's a distracting sentence) My hair is plastered to my head and my lilac top has brought the delicate shade of lavender under my eyes into a blooming display of weariness.
And there is still immigration and terrifying border guards to go. Yay!
Posted by
7:10 PM
Labels: America
Thank you
Thanks for the comments guys. So nice to hear from you.
Posted by
6:40 PM
Labels: America
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: America
Using this to update loved ones on American trip and every thing
We are at Gatwick, checked in and waiting for the flight which should be in about a little over an hour. It has been a good journey so far. No strops on anybody's part so far. Let's hope our luck holds out
See you guys on the other side of the pond!
Love you lots
Posted by
10:34 AM
Labels: America
Friday, August 03, 2007
Spot the Stupid Bat...
Pass the painkillers please...
Posted by
11:05 PM
Craftless Week
Preparations for the America trip has really chewed my time up too.
So, with that on my conscience may I recommend The Yarn Museum to get a fibre fix. The galleries of handspun are enough to make you weep with envy and covetousness. Oh dear, that has got to be a few sins I've just recommended. Okay, how about: these pictures will lift your heart with the wonderful expression of creativity that the Lord has placed in the human heart and mind. That's better. It's hard being a born again nutter when a character is as flawed as mine :)
Have a perfect day guys...
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: Fibre
Friday Five
1. Favorite pastry?
Maple and pecan danish whirl
2. How do you like to waste time?
blogging, day dreaming,
3. How would you describe your complexion?
pale but otherwise very clear.
4. What do you hang on to that you should really get rid of?
difficult one that, I'll get back to it :) what ever it is I'm not letting go!
5. What is the last thing that made you hurt?
I trod on a slug last night coming in from the wood pile. I was barefoot too. That made me nauseous - it squelched!
But in general I take darned good care not to hurt myself.
Posted by
8:18 AM
Labels: Friday five
Thursday, August 02, 2007
OK, Now I Know
You Are Cyclops |
Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause. You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them. Power: force beams from your eyes |
Posted by
10:27 AM
Labels: OK Now I Know
Another Busy Day
This getting ready don't half keep you on your toes. I have even more shopping to do - retail therapy- I love it.
And there is a birthday BBQ to go to (is it rude to take knitting to a party? V thinks so, I am now unsure as to the etiquette of it "Hi, lovely party but I brought my knitting in case I have to sit next to the mad nutter/bore/teenager". Not that there will be many nutters or bores there but...oh I don't know) Anyway I got her a lovely present so she can't complain if I want to sit quietly and knit can she? All my friends know I am eccentric like that. Oh well...
And Tom, my wonderful eldest nephew is staying with us overnight. The girls will be delighted. They do their level best to climb all over him in the morning and he, like every other teenager on the planet is nothing but a tumescent smelly heap of limbs and duvet before ten am. And there are my three fairies, like larks rising, squeaking "Tom, Tom, come play!"
It is hilarious, I take my coffee up and watch the show in comfort.
As spinning is still out and lets face it, I'm still on the seascape lace weight so it's more of the same really. Ditto with cobweb. Have you ever seen Blackadder II? Well, I am like Nursey with Captain Rum's beard, it looks the same only there's more of it. So no pictures of crafty stuff today

Here is as crafty as this blog is going to get today. I give you Zac aka McCavity aka Fagin who swiped almost a whole packet of organic wafer thin ham and carted it off to his odoriferous lair to enjoy as second breakfast. I must love him or something because what did I do?
I took a picture of him licking his chops after a fine meal. Ahhhhh!
Posted by
8:54 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
This Morning

Posted by
8:36 AM
Getting Ready...
And what am I going to do for eight hours in a flying tin can? I cannot take my knitting, (sharp object) ditto embroidery, crochet is debateable and of course spinning is right out :). There is only so much TV I can bear and listening to music had never really occupied me although I am taking an MP3 player. I suppose I could write but I am dreading boredom. I will go nuts. Okay, I have the kidlings to look after and trail over the plane with but eight hours man in one spot. Help me guys, I need suggestions.
Have got a fair bit of last minute shopping to do. And I'm getting rather excited...wheee! I am going to America!
Posted by
8:21 AM