This getting ready don't half keep you on your toes. I have even more shopping to do - retail therapy- I love it.
And there is a birthday BBQ to go to (is it rude to take knitting to a party? V thinks so, I am now unsure as to the etiquette of it "Hi, lovely party but I brought my knitting in case I have to sit next to the mad nutter/bore/teenager". Not that there will be many nutters or bores there but...oh I don't know) Anyway I got her a lovely present so she can't complain if I want to sit quietly and knit can she? All my friends know I am eccentric like that. Oh well...
And Tom, my wonderful eldest nephew is staying with us overnight. The girls will be delighted. They do their level best to climb all over him in the morning and he, like every other teenager on the planet is nothing but a tumescent smelly heap of limbs and duvet before ten am. And there are my three fairies, like larks rising, squeaking "Tom, Tom, come play!"
It is hilarious, I take my coffee up and watch the show in comfort.
As spinning is still out and lets face it, I'm still on the seascape lace weight so it's more of the same really. Ditto with cobweb. Have you ever seen Blackadder II? Well, I am like Nursey with Captain Rum's beard, it looks the same only there's more of it. So no pictures of crafty stuff today

Here is as crafty as this blog is going to get today. I give you Zac aka McCavity aka Fagin who swiped almost a whole packet of organic wafer thin ham and carted it off to his odoriferous lair to enjoy as second breakfast. I must love him or something because what did I do?
I took a picture of him licking his chops after a fine meal. Ahhhhh!
Sian- I'm laughing at the reference to Nursey and Rum's beard- that's my favorite Blackadder episode.
Naughty Zac.
Nice kitty pic! It's so hard to get mad at them when they're cute like that... Ah well.
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