It was a truly beautiful day. The first sunny day in ages it seems. So we packed a picnic and headed out to the Vale of Glamorgan

and Hendrewellan Pick Your Own Fruit farm. We ate our sandwiches under a shady tree and in the company of two gentle old Labradors who were very polite and merely hinted that they would not be averse to a crust or two if we had a mind to it. We duly shared our lunch, they thanked us and pottered off to the next family to see if they minded feeding two gentlefolk landed on hard times etc etc.

It was very hot out in the field, hats and sunblock were in order. Eden and Lily did very well with finding the sneaky hidden raspberries that other people had missed. Being three foot high has its advantages sometimes. V did not find it so easy. Spotting red berries on thick green foliage cannot be easy when a bloke is colour blind.

The blackcurrants were much easier to pick. But the ground was uneven which led to more than one fall (and tipped punnets) Eden was fairly pragmatic about the first tip but was not a happy bunny the second time she did it.

On the way home we called in on Merthyr Mawr, a tiny village filled with houses like the above. It is one of my favourite places to visit. There is nothing to do here apart from stare at stranger's houses but the cottages are just so cute.
I would not want to live in one mind you, they are rather too much to live up to I think - I'll stick to my untidy little miners cottage on a scraggy mountain any day - but they are lovely to visit.
The fruits of our labours. Probably about 5lb in all.

Blackcurrants smell rather evil* to me even though I love the taste, but warm raspberries smell heavenly. There was pavlova for tea, naturally. I would have taken a picture but I was in too much of a hurry to scarf down the raspberries, meringue and cream to find the camera. It didn't look up to much, rather messy meringues tsk tsk but it tasted great. Believe me.
The second day of holidays will be taken up in the making of blackcurrant ripple ice cream. Hope you are having fun too.
a bit like cat wee
Every bit of this post is a complete delight! I feel like I'm there smelling and tasting through your descriptions, and photos. I'm sure I'll be smiling about the two politely panhandling labs all day!
What a lovely day! How very British of you. And as for those twins - they are SO cute.
Glad the girls had a nice day. blakcurrat icecream my favourite some years ago since i had it last.can't get it anywhere.see you all soon.or sian if Mr V is colour blind you could dye your hair bright red and he wouldn't know.
Debrorah: Thank you :o) Part of the joy of blogging is getting a little taste of other lives. I am enjoying my visits to Lake Erie with you too!
Pippa: PYO Fruit is a happy childhood memory for me. The girls really enjoyed themselves :o)
POD: I will pop some round to Sara for you to have. And as for the hair...been there and he did notice actually :D
Ooooh, your girls look absolutely precious!!! I'm sorry to hear about the upset due to tipped over buckets of berries, though. I can understand how frustrating that must be.
That cottage is absolutely lovely!!! Oh, how I wish my little cottage was half so charming.
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