Was a truly death defying day...
The amount of cholesterol that passed under my hands would make a dietician weep.

The fancy bread and butter pudding that we had for afters tea time. Made with croissants, apricot conserve and an awful lot of cream, it is not for the faint hearted. It doesn't look much here but I did not have time to take a picture of it cooked in all its golden bubbly glory. Deserts don't last long in our house

And the blackcurrant ice cream. Rose helped: beating the eggs, stirring the custard (more cream anyone?) sieving the stewed currants. However, the tasting did not go so well, blackcurrants are pretty tangy aren't they? And after her face puckered up for the second time she declined to taste any more.
I had a taste this morning and it's pretty good actually. Am I bad mum when I say that I am glad that I don't have to share this with my children?
Ooh, my Dad loves apricot conserve. I made one with stewed rhubarb and croissants. If you add almond meal the cream thickens beautifully. Don't tell your dr I suggested it. LOL
the day will come when they will be asking remember when you made????then you will know what a mother you were or mam can you make ????? like you use to make.and then you will also know you are getting old.Me just an old man with grandsons who again as found it's great to be a kid again.i keep taking the tablets just to keep up with them i'm a part of their gang.but i get it in the neck with sara for leading them astray.me leading them astray it's other way round.You got this all to come. that's if Jesus tarries.
*grin* The breadpudding looks incredibly messy in that pic. And the icecream looks delicious!
He he, not at all! Lace it with brandy and you have yourself a fine adult treat :-)
That bread pudding is to DIE for. You made me drool. Literally.
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