A mother of girls has all the opportunity she ever needs to access her inner child. This morning Rose pulled a sickie. She was really quite convincing at half seven but now at lunch time she is like a button. So we have been whistling while we work in the true Disney tradition and I thought I would pass on our favourite Disney sing-along. It really does make the chores fly by, especially when one's daughters have the dance routine down pat. I particularly like the dumpy little muse who can still keep up with all the others. Go girl!
Then, just to keep it interesting - I was putting laundry away (does that flippin' stuff ever end?) when the three of them wandered into the room. They had little sticks in their hands (my dancing banners actually, but they had detached the banners and now only God knows where they are.*) As you might know, anything can become a wand in the hand of an expert, so there they were gently brushing their "wands" over my ankles making gentle zzzzzz ing noises.
"Ah, there's nice" I thought. "They are casting all sorts of happy spells on my feet."
Rose, after supervising her sisters for a little while, decided that she had other stuff to attend to and told her minions " Keep electrocuting Mummy" and exited with panache.
Then, just to keep it interesting - I was putting laundry away (does that flippin' stuff ever end?) when the three of them wandered into the room. They had little sticks in their hands (my dancing banners actually, but they had detached the banners and now only God knows where they are.*) As you might know, anything can become a wand in the hand of an expert, so there they were gently brushing their "wands" over my ankles making gentle zzzzzz ing noises.
"Ah, there's nice" I thought. "They are casting all sorts of happy spells on my feet."
Rose, after supervising her sisters for a little while, decided that she had other stuff to attend to and told her minions " Keep electrocuting Mummy" and exited with panache.
In other news...the winner of the goodie bag is...

Oh! And I had my first customer on etsy last night! I was stupidly elated...really I was. I'll tell you another time, I'm probably still a bit daft about it.
Hope you are having a beautifully happy day too.
*I am not blaspheming. He really is the only one who knows where they are
Sian- laundry NEVER ends.
Our laundry never ends either. With two young boys in the house, they can really go through some clothes. I didn't win. Awww, better luck next time.
Your first etsy customer! WOO-HOO, that's definitely grounds to be excited :o)
And you're not talkin' bout me are ya?!?!? Am I Jessica, haha
*snort & chuckle* Yeah, I don't think I've EVER known laundry to actually cease being a chore that once again needs to be done. The best you might hope for is to teach the kiddos to help out, thus giving you a chance to do other chores. *wink*
Also got a nice little laugh over your supposed thought that they were "casting helpful spells" on your feet, only to discover they were "electrocuting" you. *sigh* Scary how their pretty little heads work sometimes! And I hope you found the banners without too much hassle!
I'll get on to posting the Meme in the next couple of days.
fix fix fix greg c we men will never win.enjoy jessica.keep up the good work. greg if a man had won sian would make us pay postage.and there i was going to give you sweet popcorn i'll give it to the girls.see you all soon.
Lorraine: *sigh*
Greg: I know :( I think Pod and Cyril were disappointed too
Jessica: Cries echoing all around the battlefield "No! I am Jessica! No! I am Jessica!" Or perhaps you are too young for Spartacus reference? *grin*
Yes, m'dear, tis you :)
Kati: Looking forward to reading yours...and no, no banners yet. I think even God is starting to scratch His head over where they have disappeared to :D
POD: Yes Cyril was disappointed too, but he expressed himself even more pungently :D
I'm super duper excited!!!!
LOL! that is the funniest story evah! :-D where do kids get this stuff?!
congrats to WW for the goodies, yayyy! are you sending her laundry to fold?
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