Friday, April 04, 2008


I am absolutely stuck for a post today. There has been crocheting but it looks decidedly dodgy and probably will continue to do so until it has been blocked, lace weight eh? I am sure it will work out fine, it is a very easy pattern, but right now it looks like big big knickers...

Capt. Blackadder modelling big knickers in a new and lunatic way

In other news, V has started frequenting MG forums of all things, initially to find out how to make a few adjustments here and there but it is a slippery slope when a man has a wife like his. There is an MG club apparently and secretly I quite like the sound of it. They stroll around the UK in their MGs rather like slightly less alarming Hells Angels and meet on village greens for "Show and Shines". When I expressed a certain quiet interest V looked a bit concerned, he just likes driving the thing but doesn't want to become an enthusiast. I dunno, I just wanted to go along for the beards and real ale and the vague chance that there might be a James May* lookalike tucked away in there. It just struck me as a bit of charm, a bit of Kate Rusby "Preservation Society" innocence in a weary world.

It is a Kinks song! I didn't know that! I tell you, the things a girl can learn on u tube...And oh look, there is a post here after all...
Have a charming day cariad (eat strawberry jam if you can).

*James May...the thinking woman's bit of crumpet.


Greg C said...

Ok now I have two more reasons to visit. Strawberry Jam and the music. Not bad for a non post. :)

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I just love her there a difference between Kinks and The Kinks...I thought they were all dudes?! Or is it just someone else singing their song?!?

Patois42 said...

I knew you had a post in you. And a brilliant one at that!

Lorraine said...

Sian- I recognize the pic from Blackadder Goes Forth. That was Hugh Laurie at his best.

V doesn't want to hang out with the MG groupies-? he may be missing out.

Sian said...

Greg: Thank you dear. And strawberry jam and music is what Brits are famous for.

Jessica: The Kinks are indeed all dudes. This one is a cover.

Patois: Thank you too :)

Lorraine: Blackadder is ace, there is no two ways about it. And as for the MG club...well, I'll stick to the Spinning Guild for now :)

Sa said...

What can I say, the big knickers looked more like flames and fire! Thanks for the cawl and cakes nice one crafty lady oh and of course the spin in the car!

Sian said...

Sa: You are very welcome. I will be posting my haul, including grits :D, up later today maybe.
Love you hunny.

dottycookie said...

Good grief - I pop over here from MrsM and find knitting, Blackadder, Kate Rusby and James May! How marvellous. I can see I shall have to come back again :-)