Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do you dig it?

The cow obsessed chaps over at Life is Mootiful are after Diggs. Don't ask me - I am, after all, a technophobe. But if Digging stuff rings a bell with you and you are a member of Digg it. Then please consider going over and giving Life is Mootiful a digg. Apparently it is A Good Thing to have lots of people digg them and then they can get a bit of a boost. I would digg them but I am intimidated by facebook, and Diggit sounds even more complicated than that.

If you found this post bewildering, don't sweat it. I found it rather bewildering to write.


Anonymous said...

Has Faith had her baby yet?

Sian said...

not that I have heard...try facebook

Technodoll said...

I have no idea what this Digg thing is either - I may have to eat my name :-(

dottycookie said...

Ermmmm - pardon?

Sa said...

flippin eck woman speaketh english mun

robin ann mcintosh said... the risk of sounding like a techmoron, what is digg? digging? hm.

Sian said...

Oh well, I'd never heard of it either, but I thought you lot would have...
Apparently it's something like technorati, keeping track of the latest thing and stuff like that.